The Bomber

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Night was in full swing as they arrived downtown. Hizoshi watched as they descended towards the surface. So far, all people from Earth had only seen the pristine halls of the Senate building and the Jedi Temple. Here, though, started to provide a different view of the capitol. It showed what the common being went through. It was dirty, with dingy apartment complexes and trash on the street. Bright multicolored neon signs... and dark alleys. It was a cyberpunk dystopia, far cry from the glory she had seen before. Turning to the others, she asked, "Where to?"

"We're going to land close to Jackar's apartment." Anakin explained. He carefully navigated the speeder to street level, landing in an alleyway.

"Right." the violette replied. They disembarked, walking down the street towards the apartment. People watched them with curious glances, but didn't interfere. Occasionally, they asked around, and the people they spoke to pointed them in the direction they sought. Eventually, they arrived at the place in question.

When they entered the hallways, looking for the apartment itself, Anakin was quick to comment, "This is not the nicest place."

Ahsoka followed next, giving wary glances at the peeling paint on the walls. "I would've thought working for the Jedi paid better."

So would I... Hizoshi thought. Anakin approached the door, knocked, and after checking for anyone watching, used the force to manipulate the door controls to open them. Entering the apartment, he called out, "Leta? You here?" After a moment, he gave directives. "Alright, Ahsoka, you search for droids... Banshee, you look for anything out of place. Be careful. I'd rather not set off another explosion today."

They both nodded, and the torgrutan girl brought up a sensor. Similar to the one that Russo used, she used it to scan the apartment. Hizoshi carefully combed each inch, with Skywalker doing the same. It was difficult in the dark, but they were still able to see a little bit due to the hall lights. As they searched, Hizoshi found a stack of datapads with something underneath, flashing red and white. Pulling it off, a hologram of a clone trooper helmet with a red line crossing it popped up in front of her. "What the?"

Skywalker was at the door and saw the symbol. A clone helm with a line crossing through it. A symbol of Anti-Republic propaganda, anti-clone sentiment. Something Hizoshi should and would look through. "That's the main symbol of the protestors outside the temple..."

"Protestors?" There is a lot more going on than I realized

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"Protestors?" There is a lot more going on than I realized...

Anakin explained briefly, "When you were interviewing survivors, I went to the head of security. He was overseeing protestors, family and friends of those who died. It was because of the rumors of Jedi involvement... Letta, Jackar's partner, was with them." It was then that Ahsoka called from another room. "Master!"

The two ran to the source of her call, the kitchen. Ahsoka didn't turn to them, more intent on what appeared on the scanner. "The sensors are picking up traces from the disposal." She showed them both the results on the reader. Swams of nanodroids moving about at microscopic speed. "The nano-droids were in the food."

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