Home Sweet Home

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Anticipation built within the crew of the Vindication. Izuku could feel it. There wasn't much time left, as they rapidly approached home. They were just a few minutes from arrival. He could feel a sense of mystery, as well as possible tension building. They shouldn't be worried, though.

"Sir, dropping out of hyperspace in 2 minutes."

He turned and nodded to the officer who alerted them all. At least acknowledging the diligent troopers in the crew is just as important as making sure they're at tip top shape. Appreciation, in Izuku's limited experience, was just as valuable, if not more valuable than efficiency. As a respectable Clone Captain told him, Loyalty meant everything to them, and he wouldn't want to break it from a lack of trust.

Admiral Beskarr spoke for him, "Alright Gentlemen, remember that this world hasn't ever had a space faring navy. Be on your best behavior when as we establish a perimeter. How's the status of The Independent?"

"All systems green, Admiral!" A communications officer reported. 

The auburn haired Admiral immediately responded to the report. "Excellent. The Resolute?"

"All systems at full operational status!" A different officer replied.

He nodded to the clone soldier, "Good. Alright, prepare to drop out of hyperspace in 3... 2... 1..."

Izuku watched through the viewport as the swirling blue void rapidly vanished, to be replaced with a perfect view of a blue and green jewel. What Izuku values above all else in the galaxy: Home Sweet Home.

Beskarr and Commander Verdant walked up to either side of him. The clone Commander didn't say anything, but Beskarr commented, "Just as beautiful as Alderaan. This is Earth?"

The greenette nodded, "It is. My home is in the area known as Japan." He gestured to the island, basking in the light of the sun. "I will want transport to get down to the surface, and oversee the reconstruction. Commander..." The clone straightened up a little more at being addressed. "I want you and a detachment of your men to come down with me. We need to set up a barracks, and you'll be able to help inform me of where suits your needs best."
The clone officer nodded in understanding. "Yes, sir!"

To Beskarr, Izuku gave his orders, "Admiral, you will be staying here, and creating a blockade for our protection. The only ships allowed will have specified codes, which I'll transmit to you later."

Snapping to attention, the man was determined to ensure his orders were followed to the letter. And the intent of those words were followed as well. "Understood, sir."

"Great. I leave space defense to you." The Revenant turned and left the bridge, Commander Verdant following right behind him.

Toshinori was working with Class A when their exercise was interrupted. Three massive ships, Republic in design, had arrived just above their position, and it was causing quite a stir. Especially when the coloration of these ships were shown to be green instead of Republic Crimson. Calling the lesson for the day, he pulled out the weird clunky device he'd been given just before Izuku Midoriya left for the Capitol of the Republic. As it turned out, Izuku was currently pinging him, and so he answered. In his full outfit, he knew to address the boy by his pseudonym: The Revenant. Just in case of being overheard. "So, I see you're back, Revenant. How'd it go?"

Izuku was content to let him know the truth. As his advisor, he needed to know all of the details. "It went better than expected. I'd like to meet with all my advisors when I land. Can you contact everyone to let them know?"

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