The Vindication

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Morning was breaking into the Coruscant sky. Not that the planet ever really dimmed, even in the dark, due to the constant city life. However, Izuku was fully rested at this point. Completely ready for his departure. Ochako walked with him towards the military drop off point. She wouldn't be able to go further than that, as it required special access... still, she was grateful. One of her dreams was to go to space, and he fulfilled it. Even... if he didn't know about it. They reached the checkpoint, and the brunette was forced to stop. "This is where I have to stay."

He turned to the brunette, sad to actually have to leave her here, alone. Well, maybe not so alone. Padme was here, and she was as good a friend as he could hope for among senators. "Indeed. It will be a while before we see each other again."

Ochako replied, saddened. "I'm going to miss you. I know why you need me here, but it won't stop me from disliking being alone."

"Don't worry about that. Things won't stay like this forever." She couldn't see his face, but his voice implied that he was smiling. "I'll send something to remind you of home soon. Work with Padme, and her allies. Establish who you want to be. First thing I'll do is send word to your parents that you're alright."
"Thank you." She beamed at that, and Izuku couldn't help but think, so pure... never change, Ochako.

However, an LAAT gunship was waiting for him. "I'm sorry I can't stay longer. I have to secure Earth first..."

"I know..." It was then that she did something that surprised him, and hugged him tightly. She held that embrace for a few moments before letting go and quickly turning away. "Goodbye, Revenant! Stay safe..." She called, as she quickly walked away.

His thoughts stopped for a moment before she continued... Wow... I'm lucky I have her and Hizoshi as friends... they both care so much...

However, he was interrupted by a red painted clone trooper, who said, "Sir, you need to leave."

"Of course." Izuku turned and boarded the transport, which started flying. With the doors wide open, he could feel the breeze, as they sped towards the shipyards. They were some of the finest in the galaxy... although he heard that they did not manufacture the vessels, only housing them until they supplied and headed out. No, the planets that made them were far from here. Kuat, and Mon Cala were some fantastic ship builders, from his intel. As they neared the three in question, he looked over at them. They usually had a large red stripe over the hangar bay doors, an indication of Republic fealty. However, due to his request, they had been painted over in blue and green organic designs. His mask's hud provided details, a list of features, and, most importantly, their names.

The Independent

The Resolute

The Vindication

Three symbolic names, for three unique ships. They wouldn't be the last, even if they certainly were the first. He was brought to the flagship, which happened to be The Vindication. They entered via one of two side hangars, not the main one. That was reserved for the fighters and bombers, for quick deployment.

Thinking of those, he reviewed the number of gunships and fighters. 5 wings of ARC-170s, with 15 per wing and 3 pilots per craft. 100 LAAT gunships, with a max occupancy of 12, or 9 if you have a small recon vehicle in the back. They require 2 pilots. Then, 4 squadrons of Y wing bombers, which need two people per craft, with 5 bombers per squadron. Thinking about what this meant, he realized he'd need every instructor he could get his hands on. The LAAT swivelled around, moving towards the hangar, and landing gracefully as an older gentleman strode onto the deck. An Admiral, from the look of him. He was austere in presentation, and a strong presence amongst the other members of his staff, however, he was still deferent to his new boss. "Hello sir, I am Admiral Delrick Beskarr. Head of the newly formed Earth Defense Fleet."

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