Sound Strategy

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Hunkered down in the only safe place they could, the team consisting of Momo, Jirou, Kirishima, and Shoji was quickly trying to come up with a plan on how to get out of their pinned positions, as blaster fire rained down upon them. Kirishima was all for going quirks blazing, but everyone else shot that down.

"We can't just run in there! Those things can penetrate your defense, Kirishima!" Momo replied impassionedly to the last recommendation.

"Then what can we do?" He countered, ducking as a laser zipped past his head. The blaster fire continued to rain down on them, with the towers causing a lot of headaches. It was then that Jirou got an idea. Grinning, she told the large boy, "Shoji, you take the tower on the right. Beat the droid and take its weapon. I'll take the left!"

That made sense. They needed to level the playing field, and that would be the best way to do it. The large student nodded, and glanced at the other tower, tense, and ready to go. Their plan had to work. It was the only one they could do at the moment.

Verdant watched the team in action. Even though their... quirks... were not aligned in helping them with this objective, their planning and adaptability more than made up for it. He watched as one, a girl with short, purple hair, used her quirk... long cable like ears, to assist in climbing the base of the far tower. A large boy, with unique physiology, began climbing the one closer to their observation booth.

Yagi beamed at their work. He was easy to please, the clone thought, before musing, that's fair. He's never seen true war. But, respecting the man's presence, especially as Izuku's advisor, and one of the few who knew his face, the clone asked, "What do you think of them?"

Yagi nodded, watching them work together. "They're taking to the task well, even if they've never had training for this particular situation. Although, they do have practice with randomly assigned teams before."
Verdant acknowledged that with a nod. "Right."
The blond man turned to the clone for a moment, sharing a glance with the visor as he remembered the mission out to the Republic, unsure if the Commander had heard of it. "I should mention, they have fought battle droids before."

That made him raise an eyebrow, but it couldn't be seen from under his helm. Without turning, he asked, "Oh?"

"Yeah." The former hero nodded sagely, "Class A, this class, was part of the first mission to contact the Republic. Ochako led them all, and succeeded as well as they could've."

He'd heard about that, from his superiors when it happened. It made the headlines, considering that they were representatives from a new planet, and were effectively children. He'd watched the speeches given by the new representatives, as well as the combat report against the Seperatists at Kalee. They had proven themselves before... and he gave them an easy test. This wouldn't be enough.

"So then..." Verdant began, "This test is too easy for them?"

The man coughed up blood, before turning to them. "What makes you say that?"
"Actual combat is so much worse than this. If the reports are true... this will be easy for them."
Yagi thought about it, and understood his concerns. "Well... you can still see what they need to do based off of this diagnostic assessment..."

He grunted an agreement, watching as they beat the droids on the tower, using the turrets to pelt the droids with laser fire. This allowed for the two who remained on the ground to advance, now that the line had been broken.

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