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LO'AK BARLEY GOT ANY SLEEP IN WHEN HE FELT somebody shaking him awake. "Bro get up. We have lessons today remember?"  Lo'ak's squinting eyes looked up to see Neteyam above him with a concerned look on his face. "He had trouble falling asleep last night. Do not be mean." Kiri's voice spoke from another corner of the room. She was busy fixing her hair for today while Tuk ws sitting on her lap, waiting for Kiri to put beads in her hair. "It's morning?? No way I just went to sleep 3 seconds ago." Lo'ak groaned as he sat up rubbing his eyes still not believing the predicament he was in.

Jake walked in only minutes later looking at his kids "The chief's kids are out there waiting for you guys. You should hurry. No bad impressions remember." He ruffed Neteyam's head earning him a side eye before he went to sit by Neytiri who was trying to get Tuk off of Kiri's lap. The boys nodded and rushed to get themselves ready not trying to make fools out of themselves while Kiri had finished doing her hair and was standing by the entrance.

"This isn't fair! Why do they get to go and I cant??" Tuk complained from her mothers lap, puffing her cheeks out and folding her arms. The poor girl was excited to go explore when she had gotten up the morning just for her parents to tell her no.

"Tuk I'll take you out later, okay? Then I'll teach you everything." Kiri cooed at her but Tuk turned away from the girl also upset that she didn't have the time to put the beads in. Neteyam laughed at the display getting up to open the curtain to their pod.

"Everybody ready?" He asked looking between Kiri and Lo'ak who was grumbling something about loud noises from last night being why he couldn't sleep properly. Seeing as they were all ready to go they left after saying their goodbyes, leaving Tuk alone with her parents. The girl still mad at her siblings for ditching her.

"Tuk... After your father and I fix up we will let you go explore okay? But you have to stay in our view." Neytiri sighed removing her from her lap and starting to tidy up the place again. Tuk cheered and also started to unpack her toys so that she could play with them as she waited. While Neytiri was pickin gup the mess her kids made she looked over to Jake who was quiet after the kids left.

"What is wrong?" She asked him while cleaning Lo'aks area. "Nothing. Just thinking." Jake murmured while looking out towards the other Marui pods. He was inspecting the pod next to him in their lonely corner. There were plants and items placed outside neatly; obvious that somebody was living there but he never got the chance to see them as they woke up at a ridiculuosuy early time. He would know.

There crashing around inside the pod was what had woken him up and he just hoped it wouldn't be like that every morning or he was going to have to file a complaint.

"Tuk, please stay where I can see you! Don't go too far." Neytiri yelled at the young na'vi who was already on her way out the door with a satchel around her. She looked in the water at the entrance of her pod, looking at all the pretty plants everywhere. The girl was enhanced by everything she looked at; it was all so pretty!

She skipped further along the woven path confused on where to go when a voice spoke behind her. "Hello. Are you lost?" Tuk turned around to see a very tall male na'vi who was kneeling down next to her. Unknowing what to say Tuk just stared at the male. The male just laughed and smiled at her.

"There are a lot of shells over there during this time of day. The ocean places them out early in the morning." He told her pointing to the left where the Marui Pods stopped at. It was within seeable distance of her own pod so she was hoping her mom wouldn't be too mad.  He had noticed her bag when he was walking out of his pod and since she looked lost he thought he would help.

"Thank you!!" Tuk said excitedly before running off in the direction he pointed in; really wanting to see the colorful shells she could pickup. The male stood up and watched the girl run away, she had reminded him of his own little sister, he thought as he began to start his duties.

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