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"WHAT'S HIS PROBLEM?" Sai'eyla hissed and watched as Aru'lu helped out the other male navi's with their morning chores. She wasn't too far but close enough that she knew he could feel her eyes on him. He hadn't looked up once to ackmowlege her, wave at her, smiles at her or anything else he would normally do.

The morning sun bled into Aonung's marui pod while she sat patiently at the edge where he had a gorgeous view of the water. Her feet kicked back and forth in the cold water below, her hands behind her back as she leaned, tilting her head to the side to keep on staring.

Aru'lu looked huge compared to the rest of the men near him. His hair clung to his sculpted body, covering some of the many tattoos he had, some that Sai'eyla had even done for him.

More experienced and thourough in his work around the village, he was the guy that anybody could count on, Tonowari's right hand man and the second in charge of the village if anything were to happen. He had that natural leader instinct to him, always helping out the elders and offering assistance to anybody who looked troubled.

Every girl in the village at one point in their lives has had a crush on him, it was impossible not too when we flashed that perfect smile of him. Maybe Sai'eyla had gotten too used to him and his behavior that going three days without talking had her questioning all her morals.

"Who's problem?" Aonung questioned as he stepped into his own pod carrying a basket of materials. L'reyna followed in behind him, her head jutted out to peak at what Sai'eyla was doing.

Sai'eyla sighed, "Aru'lu. He's been ignoring me ever since he found me and Neteyam at the stupid rock a week ago."

A scoff sounded from Aonung's mouth and he shook his head while placing the basket he held down on the floor and dusted himself off, "You are ridiculous."

"Don't listen to him," L'reyan smacked Aonung's arm and he winced at the contact. "I agree, Aru'lu's being stupid but maybe you should just talk to him."

"I'm trying!" she exclaimed getting up from her spot and picking up the basket Aonung put down. He moved to stop her but she glared at him to keep him quiet and he compelled. "But he runs away every time I approach him. What else am I supposed to do?"

"I don't think Aru'lu can be counted as a boy," Aonung mumbled.

"Corner him, duh," L'reyna raises an eyebrow looking down at Sai'eyla. "Men love that type of thing."

"Are you talking from experience?" Sai'eyla laughed at the idea.

"She has no experience." He deadpanned and quickly dogged the other navi's hand.

"I was the one who courted you, Aonung. I don't even want to hear it." L'reyna stuck her tongue out at him causing him to roll his eyes. He started to refute her but couldn't come up with anything.

"Welcome back by the way L'reyna. How was the other village?" Sai'eyla asked as Aonung helped her restack the items in the basket she was holding.

"Boring. I think Ronal is trying to step me up with a boy from there," she shuddered at the thought.

"Aonung still give you nightmares?"

"Sai'eyla, shut up."

"Don't even get me started on that."

The three of them walked out of Aonung's Marui and headed towards the center of the village. It was always busy, the metkayina never stopped working, and there was always something that needed to be done and something that someone needed to do. The concept is was what she loved about the village. It reminded her of her own.

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