same ol mistakes

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i can just hear them now
how could you let us down?
but they don't know what i found
or see it from this way round

៚ • two
៚ • bronx, ny
៚ • 6:00pm
៚ • samaria grant

"I can't get over how mf chopped this other team is bro." I said. We were sitting in the stands by some other people.

The gym was open once a week for people to sit in and watch their practice. As long as we don't cause distractions or anything we can stay.

Today another school was practicing in here.

"You're such a hater man...they are bad looking though."

"Sometimes it really be the ugliest ones that play the best. Like look at #6 he look like he'll flirt with you in the mall and it'll feel like you're being assaulted. But he could shoot!" I said and Jaliya laughed.

"I'm just being real," I smirked, putting my hands up in defense.

"I'm not worried bout that team though. Only worried about The Wild Cats. Our school is so highschool musical for that." Jaliya added.

"Just without the mass amount of white people, and singing and dancing." Then both turned our head to eachother.

"We gotta do a group watch of that," she said and I smiled. Twintuation. After that we went back to paying attention to the game.

Bryson wasn't in it. I could tell. I could always tell.

He look bothered and kept looking up in the stands. But not where I was. Where Azealia was with her friends.

And it bothered me, because why are you looking at the person that's had you moping around today. The person that's making you play weird.

When you could be looking over to the people who clearly care more about you then she did, has, or ever will.

But I pushed down my swirling emotions and shook it off.

As the time ran down, Bryson still wasn't in it. The coach had to speak to him and he was forced to sit out. When practice was done the administrators rushed us out of the gym. I only got a quick glance at Bryson before I left.

Bryson gave me his keys after school so I'd be able to sit in his car while waiting for him to get out. And also Jalani and whatever other player he decided to give a ride too.

Jaliya and I hugged before she went on her way to the bus stop before she got completely soaked by the rain.

I sat in his car and put on my everyday playlist.

(A/N- her everyday playlist is her chapter playlist from the characters chapter)

I had fallen asleep when I heard a bunch of loud ass boys and I just knew that was the team. It only took a few seconds before Bryson was stepping into the drivers seat while Jalani and Kacey slid in the backseat.

I just kept my head against the window, tired and wanting to get home and take a nice long shower...before Bryson comes over to watch a movie.

Bryson had turned down the music and he and his two other teammates started talking. But I could barely focus on their words. All I could focus on during the drive were the rain droplets forming in the windows.

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