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To be my girl means
Never having to want to escape reality
'Cause it's safe right here with me
And for me to be your man
Trust that I will understand
What it means to show respect

៚ • twenty three
៚ • bronx, ny
៚ • 11am
៚ • bryson jr. walker

"Hmmmmm," I groaned, about to get up, but then I remembered Samaria had her arms wrapped around me.

I looked down at her and moved my hand on her back, waiting for her to hopefully wake up.

It was January 3rd and we made it back home at 6am.

Samaria's parents didn't even bother to ask questions when she walked with me into my house instead of going to her actual house.

Luckily because of the time we got here there was no way we were about to go to school on time today. But unfortunately I still have a 4pm practice, so I made sure to sleep on the plane and sleep the second I got home.

I was excited to go back in to practice but I would much rather be right back in Jamaica spending time with my family and friends enjoying good fresh food, sun, beaches, pools, and nature.

But now it was back to the Bronx with its bipolar weather, some of my weird ass teammates, and packed hallways everyday.

"Good morning bunny, wake up." I mumbled, trying to get her to wake up.

She groaned, holding me tighter.

"Wake up we gotta pray." I continued and she mumbled something but I couldn't understand.

"Thank you Lord, thank you for waking us up this morning, bless our day. In Jesus' name Amen. Now get up Samaria it's 11am."

"First off, Amen. Second off, no, I sleep."

"I gotta pee."

"Hold it."

"What if I just pee in the bed?"

"You R Kelly or sum?" She asked and I bust out laughing until she was laughing too.

"Bryson now I'm not tired anymore," she whined, making her face up at me.

"Yayyyy, now you gotta spend time with me." I smiled before getting out of bed and walking outside my room to the bathroom.

After I used it, I brushed my teeth and Samaria came to do the same.

While I waited for her to finish, I made the bed and laid back down on my comforter.

"We making breakfast or going out to eat?" She asked as she came back into my room.

"What you wanna do?"

"I don't know that's why I asked you." She replied, sitting next to me.

"Wanna go get cleaned up and then we can go get brunch or something?"

"Yeah that works." She said, grabbing her keys from the nightstand about to head out.

"You sure you not missing something?" I said sitting at the side of me bed and she paused before walking back towards me.

She stood between my legs and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I almost forgot...good morning Bryson."

"Good morning Samaria," I smiled setting my hands on her hips. She leaned in to kiss me a few times before resting her head by my neck as I pulled her into a hug.

"I miss being in Jamaica with you already."

"Same, but at least we'll have a movie type story to tell our kids."

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