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Watch out, world, I'm grown now
It's about to go down
My heart beatin' so loud
Mama, look, I'm grown now (I'm grown)

៚ • twenty six
៚ • bronx, ny
៚ • 7pm
៚ • bryson jr. walker

"Mom how did you and Renai end up as friends?" I asked as she washed Bria's hair in the kitchen sink.

It was a Friday night and Bria had taken out her braids earlier in the day and begged Mom to wash her hair because she was too lazy to.

"Short story or long story papa."

"Long story, I got time." I replied, continuing to eat the pomegranate bought earlier in the week.

"Well when you and Samaria first met and hung out around the block I thought it was sweet that you had made a friend. I sat outside watching you both and didn't care much but Renai...she was a whole other story." My mom said shaking her head as she continued to detangle Bria's hair with conditioner.

6 years ago | omniscient

It was a warm day in July and the sun outside was beaming.

Families were sitting in their backyards enjoying barbecues while children were playing in the block.

Bryson decided that it was the perfect day to go outside and ride his bike around the block.

"Bryson be careful and don't go too far," Audrey said as she sat on the front stairs holding an ice cold water bottle.

"Don't worry mom, I will!" Bryson replied as he pulled his bike from the garage. Once he reached the sidewalk, he put his helmet on and so his Mom wouldn't yell at him.

Then he set off the ride around the block.

Besides playing basketball at the local park, riding his bike was his next favorite activity.

The sun shining on his face and the light breeze going against him was the best part.

When he knew it was fine, he swerved onto the street and rode his bike. Passing by a lady walking her dog and seeing kids playing in the street where a fire hydrant was spewing water.

"Bryson!" Kiana, a girl from Bryson's middle school yelled as she stood by the fire hydrant.

Bryson rode onto the sidewalk and let his bike and helmet fall into the grass before walking towards her.

"Hi Kiana, you know them?" He said, pointing to a bunch of little kids running through the water.

"Yeah my cousins, they came to visit today."

"You should be running into the water with them." Bryson smirked.

"I'll do it if you do it," Kiana proposed to him.

"Alright hold my hand and we'll run," Bryson suggested, putting his hand out to her. Even when he was younger he just naturally had a way with girls.

Kiana liked him and so she held his hand as they walked into the street.

"3,2,1!" They ran together through the water and came out in the other side covered in water, laughing at the whole ordeal.

Just as they were about to sit on the sidewalk, Kiana's cousins called her over to play with them in the water.

"Well I'll see you September Kiana."

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