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Just so y'all know, whenever I publish a new chapter it's because I have the chapter after it finished! I like to have two chapters done before posting one because it keeps me more up to date!

Ik I be taking days to post but life be busyyyyy

But you take me to the sun and the moon
Then back to earth
You'll be the preacher, I'll be the pew
Take me to church
But you take me to the sun and the moon
Then back to earth
You'll be the preacher, I'll be the pew
Take me to

៚ • twenty one
៚ • kingston, jamaica
៚ • 11pm
៚ • bryson jr. walker

"I really liked the notes in the book." Samaria said as we laid on our sides, face to face.

"You did?"

"Yes. I liked that you even thought to use a book. It should be like our book."

"Our book?"

"Yes our book. I'm gonna cherish it forever. Whenever I start to get overwhelmed, or doubtful, I'm just gonna read the notes and remember that I have someone who loves me enough to do something sweet like that for me." I'll always do sweet stuff for her, long as we're alive.

"In Bria's words they're little love notes." I replied smiling.

"I love Bria, she's so sweet and helpful."

"You're like a big sister to her, and you're always there to help her or just spend time with her. I love how you both have always interacted."

"She's the little sister I never had," she stated before laying flat on her back.

"All the bad relationships and hurt was worth it, since it led me to right now."

"Seriously?" She asked.

"Well I'm not saying I'd want to go through it again. But all the suffering from the past, doesn't compare to the happiness I feel now. So it was worth it, because I appreciate this moment with you even more." I said and I saw her smile a bit.

"Bryson I have to tell you something, and don't be mad at me."

"What is it?"

"The day we kissed, the first time, earlier I was in the library and Azealia and her friends were there. And part of why I freaked out was because of what I overheard them saying about me."

I should've known it had something to do with that girl...

"They were talking about how everyone thinks I'm so innocent and I'm not. About how I've been convincing you to not get into relationships. Saying that I don't realize that if you wanted to be with me then you would've by now. I didn't tell you when it happened because I thought you would be confused as to why I cared about your relationships and stuff."

"I don't feel you should ever value anything Azealia says, but, I can understand why it weighed on you. But I stopped dating girls because I didn't feel right about them and my choices. It took a while for us to get here because our circumstances were different but I'm not mad about that."

"I'm not mad either. I just wanted to say everything bad now to get it out of the way. Do you have anything?" She asked and I took a breath.

"I was hurt when you moved your seat away from me in class. I don't like being away from you. And having you intentionally not want to be around me after our kiss hurt. I didn't even realize how much it affected me until I had to get up and leave and I found myself crying."

"I was only worried about avoiding confrontation and thought that it would be better for the both of us; which I was very very clearly wrong about. I'm sorry for making you cry Bryson, I was not being considerate of your feelings. Next year I'll be back at my normal seat and I'll never move again."

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