Chapter 1: A Summer at Home

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The summer morning was peaceful, and I was engrossed in my phone, scrolling through some videos. Suddenly, I heard my parents calling me for breakfast from downstairs. I joined them at the table and started having breakfast when my mom broke some exciting news. "Your father and I are heading to Italy for a few weeks to promote our business. You'll have to live by yourself for about six weeks," she said.
At first, I tried to remain calm and composed, but inside, I couldn't contain my excitement. Six weeks of having the whole house to myself, no one to bother me, and no rules to follow sounded like a dream come true. I managed to reply with an "Okay," trying to act as nonchalant as possible.
However, my mom added a caveat, "You'll have to cook your own food and do other chores around the house." Although it might seem daunting, the prospect of gaining independence and learning how to fend for myself only added to my excitement. I enthusiastically replied, "Sure, no problem!"
As I finished my breakfast, I couldn't help but wonder about all the possibilities that the next six weeks held. What adventures could I have, what new experiences could I gain, and what kind of person would I become after being alone for such a long time?
Before going back to my room, I asked my mom when they were leaving. She replied, "We'll be leaving tomorrow and returning by August 18th." The next six weeks were going to be an adventure, and I was ready to embrace it.

The day my parents were set to leave for Italy finally arrived. As soon as I woke up, I immediately helped them pack their bags and double-checked that they had everything they needed. My excitement for the upcoming weeks was palpable, but I tried to keep it under wraps and act nonchalant.
Once my parents were ready to leave, I loaded their bags into the car and we set off for the airport. As we drove, we chatted about their trip and what they hoped to accomplish. They were going to promote their business and forge some new partnerships, so they were understandably excited and a bit nervous.
When we arrived at the airport, I helped them unload their bags and we hugged goodbye. It was a strange feeling to see them go, but the thought of having the whole house to myself for six weeks made me giddy with anticipation. I watched them as they went through security and disappeared from view, then got back into the car and drove home.

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