Chapter 8: How I met Michaela

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The next morning, I woke up and realised that I had forgotten that I was dressed up as a girl. I was really hungry, I quickly changed into some short shorts and an oversized pink shirt and white shoes which I found in Emma's room and decided to go out for some coffee. I went to my favourite local café, 'The Smooth Brew', and ordered an English breakfast and coffee from the cashier, Michaela.

I had a crush on Michaela since we were in the same grade in high school, but I was always too nervous to approach her as myself. Now that I was dressed up as a girl, I decided to take a chance and start a conversation with her. I introduced myself as Olive, and to my surprise, we hit it off.

We talked about our mutual interests, and before we knew it, we had been chatting for quite a while. Michaela shared that she had always been interested in photography, and I mentioned that I had recently taken up painting. We both laughed as we realised that our hobbies were different but still connected through art.

As we continued talking, I couldn't help but notice how easy it was to talk to Michaela. She was funny, smart, and had a contagious energy that made me feel comfortable. Even though I was dressed up as someone else, I felt like I could be myself around her.

Unfortunately, Michaela was interrupted by work, and we had to end our conversation. As I was leaving, Michaela asked me if I was free after her shift. She suggested we hang out at her house, and I instantly agreed. I couldn't believe that I had made a connection with Michaela, even if it was under false pretences.

Walking back home, I couldn't help but think about the possibilities that this could lead to. Maybe Michaela and I could become friends, or maybe even something more. I knew that I had to be careful, but I couldn't deny the excitement that was building up inside of me.

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