Chapter 9: The sleepover

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After agreeing to hang out with Michaela after her shift, I was excited to see where the night would take us. I walked back home and began searching for the perfect outfit. As I was still new to dressing up as a girl, I searched up 'outfits to wear while hanging out with a friend' and found some great suggestions. I finally settled on a white off-shoulder dress and wore the black boots again, which were both comfy and cute.

As the time for our meeting drew closer, I could hardly contain my excitement. Michaela messaged me to come to the café where she worked, and we would walk home together. I quickly made my way there and met up with her. We talked about our day as we walked to her house, enjoying the cool breeze.

When we got to her house, Michaela introduced me as her friend to her parents, and I nervously tried to keep up my disguise as Olive. I was relieved when her parents didn't seem to suspect anything and warmly welcomed me into their home.

We headed to Michaela's room, and I couldn't help but take in my surroundings. Her room was filled with posters of her favourite bands and a variety of cameras, which I guessed were for her photography hobby. Michaela showed me some of her favourite photos she had taken and we talked about her passion for photography. I shared some of my paintings with her, and she complimented me on my artistic abilities.

We spent the rest of the evening chatting and laughing, enjoying each other's company. Michaela was easy to talk to and had a way of making me feel comfortable. As the night drew to a close, I realised that I didn't want it to end.

As the evening wore on, Michaela asked me if I wanted to stay overnight. It was an incredibly convenient invitation, given that I had a crush on her. I couldn't refuse the opportunity to spend more time with her, so I eagerly agreed.

Excitement bubbled within me as I accepted Michaela's invitation. Spending the night at her place meant that I could be close to her for just a little while longer. The idea of getting to know her more deeply was thrilling, and I couldn't wait to see what the night had in store for us.

As we settled in for the night, I found myself feeling nervous yet exhilarated. My heart raced as I imagined what it would be like to cuddle up next to Michaela, to feel her warmth beside me. I tried to play it cool, pretending that I wasn't head over heels for her, but deep down, I knew that my feelings for her were real and intense.

"Hey, we're roughly the same size," Michaela said, glancing down at my outfit. "Do you want to borrow some of my nightwear to change into?"

"Uh, sure," I said, feeling a little self-conscious. "That's really nice of you."

Michaela disappeared into her room and returned a moment later with a pair of cute pink leggings and a soft pastel yellow oversized t-shirt. "Here you go," she said, holding out the clothes. "I hope they fit okay."

I took the clothes from her, feeling a flutter of excitement in my chest. "Thanks," I said, a little breathlessly. "I really appreciate it." The thought of wearing her clothes made me feel even closer to her, and I couldn't wait to slip into them and snuggle up in her bed.

I told Michaela that I'm going to use the bathroom, I took the clothes with me. As I got to the bathroom I started panicking, what if she finds out I'm about my real identity. To make myself feel calmer I opened my handbag and applied some lip gloss, it gave my some confidence. So I mustered up to courage and stepped out of the bathroom wearing her clothes. I wore a pair of white socks and made sure my wig was on right.

As we changed into our nightwear, Michaela and I continued to chat and laugh, our conversation flowing easily. Despite my nerves, Michaela and I continued to talk into the wee hours of the morning, laughing and joking like we had known each other for years. As we finally drifted off to sleep, I felt content and at peace, grateful for the opportunity to be close to her.

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