Cuarenta Y Nueve ~ 49

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             Usually, I would be annoyed listening to the mastication of someone eating. Especially in the dead silence of my apartment, but after the events of tonight, Jackson and Angie’s chewing is like a lullaby. It’s nice having company. Otherwise, I’d be forced to sit with my thoughts, which would lead to thinking about Augusta, and what we did. My stomach still twists. The sex was hot, but then there’s the sick reality of what it actually was. 

I still don’t understand her motive.

Perhaps I never will.

I reach across the table and snag the pepper shaker, then sprinkle some on my ketchup. Angie eyes me as I grab a couple of fries, then swirl them in the ketchup and pepper mix.

“That’s weird,” she says mid-chew. 

“No. It’s delicious.”

“No. It’s weird.”

Rolling my eyes, I take the pepper and shake it over her ketchup, but she’s too slow at smacking my hand away and I managed to get a good amount on there.

“Enjoy.” I grin.

“Oh, fuck off.” Angie steals a few of my fries, then dips them into the ketchup and takes a bite. She chews slowly, her eyes searching the table, but then she rolls them. “Ok, fine! It’s good with pepper.”

“I know.”

“So, Angie…” Jackson sighs. “What’s the plan to get your deadbeat ex to Alma’s extraction?”

“I’m thinking we come up with a different plan for Jeremiah. I’m still waiting for Franky to get back to me.” 

“What a crazy world.” I blow out a breath and run my hand across my head. “Who would have thought that your ex is connected to the Sisters and their world.”

Angie shrugs. “I’m not surprised. Once your eyes open up to their world, you see that everything is a giant sticky web.” The doorbell rings, so I look towards the entry, but Angie checks her watch. “It should be Chloe. She’s giving me a ride home.”

“I should get going too.” Jackson stands. “It’s been a long night. Even though I won’t sleep a wink, I gotta try and get some rest for tomorrow.”

“Me too.” I collect our garbage from the table. “I’ll text you with the deets for our meetup with Kay.”

“What are we gonna do if he accuses us of taking Richie?”

“Deny it, of course. He can’t prove anything.” 

“I hope you’re right,” Jackson claps my shoulder with a sigh. “I’ve got your back, just don’t get us killed.”

“I won’t. Plus, Sammy will be watching our six. He said to let him know when we meet with Kay, so he can be there just in case shit goes sideways.”

Angie’s attention darts to me. “Don’t get the old man killed.”

“I won’t.”

“I’ll say my prayers tonight.” Jackson crosses over to Angie and motions to the door. “I’ll walk you out.”

“I mean it, Miguel,” she says over her shoulder, reaching for the door. “Protect that man at all costs.”

“I will,” I laugh, and dump our trash into the bin.

Dusting off my hands, a yawn escapes my mouth, and the long day is hitting me like a brick. I’m ready to crash and forget about things for a while. However, when the door swings open, Angie and Jackson freeze. 

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