Setenta Y Dos ~ 72

133 18 31

                  It’s absolute chaos as guests disperse in all directions. Someone points to an open window on the top floor of the mansion, which causes others to start pointing as well. There’s a long barrel sticking out of it, and another round is fired, but this time, it hits the grass.

Lucas. It has to be.

The party is officially a fiasco as everyone runs for cover or to escape the place completely. Women scream, stumbling on their stilettos, while men run alongside, attempting to shield them. Kay whisks Jocelyn away, but not before ordering his men to attack Augusta’s. Without hesitation, they swing at us, and I wasn’t prepared for this segment of the shit show. I duck when a fist flies my way and wrap my arms around his torso, tackling him to the ground. We roll across the grass, and this guy is my equal in strength with his punches. 

However, my ribs are still tender, so he gets the best of me, and I find myself on my back with him on top. He pulls a knife from his bulletproof vest, and the blade glints at me as he raises it in the air.


I use my arms to block him from stabbing me, but the side of his head explodes, and I flinch from the blood splattering across my skin. He flops over, but I don’t know what happened. 

“Get up!” Bishop extends her hand to me, and I’ve never been more relieved to see someone I barely know. Slapping my palm in hers, she hauls me to my feet. “Let’s get you out of here.”

“I have to get upstairs. Lucas killed Augusta!” 


“Yeah, this guy just fucked me over, and I need to know why. You coming?” 

“Miguel, wait.” Bishop runs after me. “I need to get you and Angie out of here.”

“What? How do you know Angie?”

“I’m Sammy’s friend. He asked me to look after you guys tonight.”

“But you said you’re Reina’s friend.”

“I am, but I’m also Sammy’s. He’s friends with my old man, Carmine Caruso.”

Rapid gunfire pops behind us, causing Bishop and I to duck for cover. However, the shots aren’t meant for us. Jocelyn’s security team goes down as Emilio’s men come to Bernard’s aid, executing the traitors. 

“Let’s hurry up and get inside. It’s mayhem out here,” I say.

We haul ass through the solarium and skid into the mansion, taking a moment to assess our surroundings as guests rush toward the entrance and trample over each other to exit the doors. A swarm of employees burst through a swing door from the kitchen and into the dining room, followed by a cloud of smoke. One shouts there’s a fire, and we must leave. There’s a small gap in the stampede, so I tug Bishop’s arm.

“This way!”

“Wait! You heard that guy. This place is gonna burn. I gotta find Angie,” she says. 

“Go. Take her to my apartment. Angie knows the address. I’ll be ok.”

“Don’t do anything stupid.”

“I won’t.”

But I can’t promise anything as I sprint for the stairs and fly up two steps at a time, determined to find Lucas. The window was at the very top, so he must have taken the shot from the attic. I have no idea what I’m going to do when I find him, but I know I need answers since he just screwed me over from protecting the people I love. Jocelyn must be paying him big bucks, and I hope it was worth it because it’s going straight to his hospital bill after the ass-beating I give him. 

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