Setenta Y Seis ~ 76

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                Benny Goldmann is a nepo baby who graduated top of his class with a law degree from Yale University. His father is the CEO of Goldmann, Goodman & Associates, one of the top law firms in California—perhaps even the country. So, Benny had much to prove and exited college swinging to make a name for himself. He wasn’t going to let nay-sayers accuse him of riding his father’s coattails. 

Having the Augusta Abramovitz hire him to represent her interests ten years ago was his slam dunk—his opportunity to strut and show that he could build his own empire. 

And now he sits across from me.

“Alright, Miguel.” He spreads documents on the table. “You will get a copy of these for your records, and I encourage you to read them over carefully. In short, when you sign each one, you accept the following from Augusta Abramovitz’s estate,” he clears his throat. “The residence located at…”

As he rattles off properties, stocks, bonds, businesses, and the millions in Augusta’s name, my soul leaves my body and begins swimming somewhere on Mars.

What the fuck is going on?

Angie is just as astonished, her jaw dropping lower and lower as she sits beside Benny, listening to him list everything that will become mine if I sign the documents spread across the metal table like a Thanksgiving feast. 

“Wait.” I touch the pages as if dipping my toes into a pool to test the temperature. “Why?”

“Why, what?”

“Why any of this?” I motion over the documents. 

“Good question. When Augusta took over for her father, everything that belonged to the family was put under her name, with Jocelyn as the inheritor and successor if Augusta were to pass away. However, leading up to Augusta’s tragic death, she made changes to the arrangement. She said there was only one person she could entrust the estate to. One person her sister would least expect and would royally piss her off. That person is you.”

“But…” I shake my head. “Why? Why not Bernard?”

“She said you’re brutally honest, and you do whatever it takes to protect the people you love. So, she trusted that you would look after her interests and know how to navigate its world.”

“Uh…” I rub the back of my neck, which is swamped with sweat. Was Augusta on peyote when she made this ludicrous choice? “But I’m in prison for at least ten years. I can’t protect or oversee anything from here. Not to mention, I am highly unqualified.”

“Which is why Augusta appointed Bernard as your proxy if you were ever unable to make decisions due to illness, family obligations, etc. So, this means he will oversee things until your release.” 

“And then what?”

“And then you take over with him as your advisor, and under no circumstances can Jocelyn touch the family estate. Augusta was adamant that if you could not fulfill her wishes, she wanted the Abramovitz legacy and everything it entails to die with her. Therefore, if you choose not to inherit her estate, which is your right, I am instructed to donate everything to children's hospitals and cancer research and dissolve the Abramovitz name. ”

“Fuuuuuuuck,” Angie exhales.

“Can… we have a minute?” I say to Benny.

“Yes, absolutely.” He stands and walks to an empty table. 

What a bomb to be dropped. I blow out a long breath. “Baby, what do you think about all of this?”

“That it’s walnuts!”

The Divorcee Murder ClubOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora