Another long week

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Olivia's: POV
I've just finished up my last class for the afternoon
Now l'm sitting in the cafeteria eating my lunch
I haven't seen Lena at all today since this morning
Casey called me once again begging me to have drinks with her on Friday night. I hated to leave Nyla this morning, but l had to go to work this morning
After having a wonderful time at the beach on Saturday
We built sand castles. Picked up some sea shells
I loved moments like this, at times l wished I could freeze time. For her to stay a little girl for forever, l know that's not realistic. I'm looking over my notes for my next class
I know Casey means well, l'm just not ready to start dating again. Every time I meet someone and I mentioned l have a child, they run away and things don't work out
I was so engrossed in my notes that I didn't hear my co worker Greg enter in the dining hall. He teaches math
He's been flirting me since I started at the University
I turned him down several times. Olivia do you mind if I join you he asks me, Greg l'm kinda busy Olivia said
I don't know why you don't give me a chance and go out with me. He says to me, Greg l don't know how many times. I have to tell you l'm not interested in dating Olivia States as she gets up from the table and throws her stuff in the trash, and leaves the cafeteria to go outside the building. I walked back down to the campus, l don't understand why Greg doesn't get the message. I take a seat on the bench to clear my head before going inside,
I feel like I deserve some happiness in my life. But l enjoy as a educator teaching English literature, my mother was a college professor as well. Teaching has always been my passion growing up, l remember mom reading all Shakespeare novels to me growing up. in my teenage years, l came to appreciated all types of English literature
I looked down at the time. My break is also up, this is my last class for the day, l just wanna go home have a glass of wine and listen to some classic music. l begin walking back towards the university, feeling the warm breeze
I might take Nyla to the park if it's not too late when I get off. I need to swing by the supermarket and pick up some groceries, l know we're running low on food. I tried to buy enough for a month, so we don't run out on groceries
I'm trying to decide what to cook for dinner tonight
I might make something fast Nyla likes chicken strips and potato wedges with broccoli on the side. I already got my shopping list all written up, Nyla has a doctor's appointment coming up for her next set of immunization shots. I might have to take a personal day in case she runs a fever, there's plenty children's Motrin Lock up in the medicine cabinet. I keep everything locked up because Nyla's at that age when she gets into stuff, porsha has been great. With Nyla she's learned so much, only if I can get her potty trained. She'll go to the bathroom but sometimes she'll forget, l brought her some night pull ups
I don't think she's ready for big girl underwear yet
Nyla's not like most toddlers her age. She started walking at nine months old, and begin teething at four months
After giving birth to her. I had a full hysterectomy cause I couldn't stop bleeding, whoever l date is going to have to accept Nyla and I are a package deal.

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