Not Right

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Pairing: Steve X Tony (Stony)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 734 words

A/N: I wrote this for an assignment and thought I should share it. Not sure if I'm going to add to it or not though.


"We can't live like this." Tony muttered as he stared out the tinted window of their hidden shelter.

"What do you mean?" Steve asked, standing from his seat on the couch. Tony turned toward him.

"We shouldn't have to do this. Just because we are not like them, because we are different, we are being hunted down and slaughtered like animals." Tony pointed behind him to the window. "We shouldn't have to hide like this; caged in a house just to live."

Steve nodded his head. "I agree with you, one hundred percent, but you realise it is better in here than out there. It's a whole lot safer."

"I don't give a damn whether it is safe or not. We shouldn't have to do this, full stop! I want to be out there, helping those who need us. We have these things, these gifts, and I don't want to be treated like a criminal for it." Tony paused as Steve stepped towards him and placed his hands on his shoulders.

"I know Tony, I know." He whispered. Tony sighed in exhaustion and laid his head on Steve's shoulder.

"It's just - everyone out there is suffering so much when we can do something about it." Steve rubbed slow circles into Tony's back as he spoke. "The people around us live in slums, having barely any food or water to get themselves and their families by. We have someone with us who can create storms and give fresh water to them. We can hunt the dangerous wild animals for them. The poor mothers and children are becoming stick thin. Most babies are dying because they can't get what they need. It's disgusting to see. Maybe they won't see us as a threat if we help them. Maybe we can help them see that we can be good too." Steve hummed in agreement.

"Only a few of us should show our gifts to them. Bruce has a hard enough time as it is with The Big Guy, so he shouldn't be shown. I mean, even we have difficulties with him. He listens to us, but only Natasha can calm him down." Steve thought aloud. "Clint and Natasha don't have anything super extraordinary about them. Natasha has a unique and impeccable skill set that I have never seen before, much better than any spy or assassin. Clint has the eyes of a hawk, observing anything and everything, and is able to hit any target with perfect precision using a bow and arrow. Our resident god has, well, the powers of a god. You are right. He can control the elements, especially lightning. His specialty." Steve paused, cupping Tony face in his hands. He stared down into his dark eyes.

"Then there is you, the genius of us all. You create things to help us when we need them. Hell, you made a suit to protect yourself out of scrap metal from the dump yard a few miles away. You're pretty spectacular, you know. Not just anyone can do what you do on a regular basis. They'd run themselves into the ground quicker than you can say 'create'." Tony gave a sheepish smile.

"You're the leader here, Steve. I'm pretty sure everyone would follow you to the end of the world. We all trust you as much as you trust us." Steve lets out a breathless laugh, a smile adorning his face as he traces his right thumb over Tony's cheekbone.

"If you want to try this, we can. Just remember: not everyone is going to like us. We will get hurt out there. But no matter what, we will always stick together, as a team." Tony lets out a soft "Okay" as Steve leans in, brushing his lips against Tony's own.

"We should call everyone together and let them know about this before we do anything." Steve's warm breath fans over Tony's face and he nods.

Tony turns back to the window as Steve leaves the room. He stares out into the dull grey sky and wonders how the world came to the point where people suffer to this degree without the higher-up's doing anything about it. How it's come to the point where instead of embracing new things, they push them away and deem them monstrosities.

"Maybe it's always been this way." He whispers to himself. "We just didn't notice until it was too late."

Steve and Tony (Stony) One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now