Eye Contact Coversations

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Pairing: Slight Steve/Tony if you squint real hard and turn your head sideways
Warnings: Failed humour
Word Count: 503 words

AN: I've had this in my folder since about November last year. I edited it and everything, but only now found it and thought of putting it up. Here is something a little light for you all to read. I hope you like it. Enjoy!


As he finished the last of his sandwich, Bruce stood from the table and put his plate in the sink. Moving back to the table, he picked up his Stark tablet and pushed his glasses higher up on his nose.

Bruce stepped out of the kitchen, eyes down and focused on the screen. He took a short turn and paused when he realised it was quiet. He could've sworn that they were in here.

Bruce lifted his head and sighed internally at the sight in front of him. If this keeps happening, he was going to forgo the living room all together and go straight to his lab from the kitchen. He didn't like getting in between anyone when they were having arguments.

Steve stood there, arms crossed across his broad chest, staring down at Tony. Tony stood a step away from Steve with his hands on his hips. Both men's body language said that they'd rather not be having this conversation here.

Bruce glanced around to see Natasha spread out on the couch, watching the two wearily. Clint was leaning against the wall next to Bruce, staring at the two men as if he was trying to read their minds.

"Where's Thor?" Bruce whispered to Clint. The man shrugged his shoulders.

"He's gone back to Asgard. Royal duty or something. Wasn't listening, to be honest. I had important things to do." Clint said.

Bruce looked back to the two men standing in the middle of the room in time to see Steve furrow his eyebrows. Clint exclaimed silently.

"Did you see that? He moved!"

Bruce sighed.

"How long has this been going on for? And how long have you been watching them?"

Again, Clint shrugged his shoulders.

"I was in the vents, minding my own business, when these two stumbled in, saying three sentences before starting a staring contest. It's like they're talking to each other through pure eye contact." Clint whispered back, marvelling.

Bruce brought up a hand and rubbed his forehead. He didn't have time for this.

Bruce cleared his throat. He knew that he had at least a bit of their attention from the moment he stepped into the room.

"When you two are done staring into the depths of each other's souls, I'd like to have Tony come down to my lab - when you're ready though. Wouldn't want to disrupt your ... romantic session here." As Bruce turned to leave, he heard Natasha snort and Clint muffle his laughter. Tony choked on his spit and Steve's face went as red as a tomato.

"I - we're not - but -" Steve stammered. He turned abruptly and practically flew out of the room, not looking back once. Tony coughed into his hands and shifted his gaze anywhere but at the people around him, who all held different looks of amusement on their faces.

Satisfied with himself, Bruce walked to his lab with a smile on his face. Maybe he wouldn't have to go straight to his lab when he finished eating after all.

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