"Don't start Tony."

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High School Teacher AU!

Pairing(s): Steve X Tony (Stony), Implied Natasha X Clint
Warnings: Failed Humour
Word Count: 871 words


"Just ask if you guys have any questions." Steve finished and turned, sitting down in his chair behind the desk at the front left corner of the room.

His students threw themselves headfirst into their work. This was the final assignment for the semester and he was sure this class of students didn't want to fail. This was good, meaning he could not-so-secretly text Tony.

'Alright, they've started their assignment.' Steve sent.

'Finally. Do you normally take his long?' Replied Tony.

'Not normally. These guys just asked a whole lot of questions. I don't blame them. This is a huge assignment, worth almost half of their final grade for the semester.'

'Can you hear me sighing from there?'

'Tony. Honestly, how do you finish so quickly? Do you just throw them their work and expect them to just do it?'

'Well, yeah. That's the idea.'

Steve sighed and ran a hand over his face before replying.

'How did you even become a teacher? You suck at teaching.'

'I'm fully qualified, thank you very much. Don't forget, we had several choices, but we wanted to work together. So here I am, across the hall from you.'

There was a small pause when Tony didn't reply to him. He must've gotten a question from a his students, Steve thought.

"Excuse me, Mr Rogers, but are you texting someone?" A small voice came from the middle of the room. Steve's head shot up to see the whole class staring at him with interest.

"Oh, how the tables have turned." He replied with a small smile. His students gave a laugh at his words.

"So, who are you talking to?" A blond haired girl in the front row asked him. Steve contemplated whether or not answering, but he decided that it wouldn't hurt.

"Uh, just Ton- I mean, Stark." A few kids gasped. He heard a few whispers of "I knew it!" from the back of he classroom. That moment is when Tony finally thought of texting him back.

'So, I can see from here that you're busy. Did they find out about your secret affair with the hot male teacher across the hall?' Steve read it and rolled his eyes.

'Bite me Tony.'

A few laughs made Steve look up again. His gaze made its way to the door to see Tony with his face pressed against it, making weird faces. His classroom door was opened across the hall and the students inside stared out in confusion at their teacher.

Steve chuckled as he stood and stepped to the door, stopping right at the window. He just waved at the teacher on the other side, accompanied by the giggles of the kids in their seats.

Tony leant back and straightened himself then knocked on the blue wooden door. Steve waited for a few seconds before turning the knob.

"Ah, Stark! How can I help you today?" Steve asked in a sarcastic manner.

"Rogers, sorry I have interrupted your class, but may I borrow you for a moment?" Steve gave a small nod and walked out of the room and into the hall, leaving the door wide open. Tony stepped close to him, his toes almost touching Steve's.

"Serious question." Steve nodded again and crossed his arms, waiting for Tony to continue. He heard shuffling and mumbles in the background from their students.

"So, I forgot that tonight was Clint and Natasha's anniversary." That earned a glare from Steve. "And I don't have anything for them and I really don't feel like going, so maybe we could just not go and stay home and have our own fun?" Tony raised a hopeful eyebrow.

"By fun, you mean you go down to your work room and play with your toys until you blow a few things up, right? The next time you go down there, take the damn toaster with you." Tony placed his hand on his chest in exaggeration.

"What's wrong with the toaster? My baby is perfect."

"It has burnt my breakfast for the last week Tony. One more day and I'll break it myself." Tony nodded and smiled.

"Is that a yes then?" Tony obviously didn't see it coming when Steve raised his hand and smacked the back of his head, making him take a couple steps before he straightened himself and rubbed his head. Steve heard many shocked gasps around them.

"No, it's not a yes! Would you like to be hurt by both Clint and Natasha? Goodness, you are so stupid sometimes." Steve rolled his eyes and Tony paled slightly.

"I guess not." He mumbled.

"Go back and continue teaching Tony. We'll discuss this later." Steve huffed. He turned and gestured to their audience. "Back to class everyone! Show's over." Several of them groaned but went back to their rooms with reluctance.

Steve pulled out his phone again when he took a seat at his desk.

'Sorry for hitting you.' Steve sent. He got a reply within seconds, as if Tony was expecting it.

'Don't worry. I thought it was kind of hot.' Steve took a few breaths and tried his hardest not to crush his phone in hand.

'Don't start Tony.'

'Yes sir.' Came the speedy reply.

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