"Steve, please, this is unbearable."

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Pairing(s): Pre Steve X Tony (Stony), Implied Natasha X (Whoever - No Name Given), Implied Clint X Coulson
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,187

A/N: Sorry if it seems a little rushed at the end. Wasn't too entirely sure how to end this.


The music was loud in Steve's ears, making it impossible to hear anything. He pushed his way through the sweaty crowd of half drunk adults, getting groped along the way. He was well aware of the heated gazes on him as he walked towards his best friend. His clothing didn't help, as they really left nothing to the imagination, thanks to Clint and Natasha. Leave it to them to pick the tightest clothing they could find for him.

His phone buzzed in his jacket and he reached for it, reading the messages that had been sent to him, all within seconds of each other.

'Steve, please hurry.'

'Oh god. If we weren't in public, I could easily hand his ass to him and just leave.'

'Steve, this is unbearable. His pickup lines are so cringe worthy.'

'Great. He has back up now.'

'Where are you? I swear to god, if you don't come within the next few minutes...'

Steve gulped at the last message. He didn't want to know what Natasha had in mind. She could be particularly evil when she was wound up. It didn't matter though. He was almost to her. She had started sending him messages when he was at his apartment, accompanying him all the way to the club. The only thing he wondered about was where the hell Clint was. He should be with her, not off grinding with the barely dressed men and women on the dance floor like he did every time he went to a club.

Pushing past a few more people, Steve finally caught sight of Natasha. She stood in a corner, wearing her favourite strapless black dress that came halfway down her thighs. Her hair was its usual curly red. She wore a pair of studded diamond earrings and a matching necklace that sat comfortably between her collarbones.

Natasha seemed a little too dressed up, but he remembered she was supposed to be attending a formal birthday party. It could have been held in the VIP lounge. That was his only guess to why she looked like this here, of all places. It wasn't like this place was horrible, but there were definitely better clubs in the city to go to.

As Steve walked closer, he registered the two men Natasha told him about. One had dark skin and had his hand on the wall next to her, leaning toward her smaller frame, while the other just stood there, looking as if he was just watching his friend making a fool of himself.

"Tasha!" Steve called out. Natasha seemed to hear him over the pounding of the music and looked up. She smiled and waved him over. He stepped up to her and she threw her arms around his middle, placing her head in his neck. Shifting her head slightly, she brought her lips to his ear.

"Thanks for coming to get me. Let's find Clint and leave. We can't leave him here by himself. Who knows what he'd do." Steve chuckled as she pulled away and took a tiny step back.

"You're a lucky man, you know." Steve turned his head and glanced at the man who had said that. He looked a little older than himself, his black facial hair was neatly trimmed and his hair messy, but looking rather nice. He wore a white shirt under his black jacket and black pants that hugged his slim legs nicely. Steve had to admit, he was really attractive. Steve looked away quickly before he was caught staring.

"How is that?" Steve questioned. The man merely cocked his head towards Natasha. Steve looked at her, wondering what he meant.

Wait. He couldn't think that him and Natasha-

"I'm sure you misunderstand our relationship. It's not what you think." Steve replied.

The man raised his eyebrow. "How so? She's a beautiful woman, your a handsome guy-"

"We aren't together." Steve interrupted. "Our relationship is purely platonic. Besides, she has a partner already, and I'm not... She not my type." The man nodded slowly and glanced at his friend. Steve did the same and nearly growled. The other guy was quite close to Natasha, swaying slightly as he tried to hit on her. Unbeknownst to him, he was failing. Miserably. Hopefully he won't remember when he wakes up in the morning.

Steve sighed. "Can you please tell your drunk friend to stop hitting on Natasha? She's clearly uncomfortable." The man nodded.

"Hey, Rhodes, how about we head home? I think you've had enough to drink tonight." The man shouted over the bass thrumming throughout out the club. His friend seemed to head him no mind though. The man rubbed his forehead before taking something, looking oddly like a pen, out of his pocket. He took a step back and walked away. Steve stared at his back with his mouth wide open. So, one try and then give up?

Steve stepped forward and politely got between Natasha and her drunken admirer.

"Sorry to intrude, but my friend and I have to go home. Your friend left and went somewhere, but I'm sure he'll be back." This 'Rhodes' guy seemed to be oblivious to Steve and peered around him, still flirting terribly to Natasha. Steve sighed in defeat. Just as he was about to turn around and leave with the Natasha, the guy from before came waltzing back with a smug look on his face.

"He won't stop and is most likely going to embarrass himself soon." Steve said to the man when he was right next to him. He didn't know why he did it, but he felt as though it was necessary to tell him.

The man looked up at him and Steve stared down into his dark eyes, immediately entranced. He was well aware of his heated cheeks, but he just passed it off as the heat. It was a bit stuffy in here after all.

Natasha suddenly tugged his arm with a bit of force. He blinked and glanced at her before turning back to the man who wore a dazzling smile. Holding out something toward him, Steve gently took at it and read it over as the man grabbed his friend and ushered him out of the club.

'My name is Tony Stark. Call me when you get the chance.'

A phone number was written below and Steve couldn't hold back the small quirk his lips gave.

"Oh no." Natasha said grimly in his ear. "Clint's got company."

Steve's head shot up to see what she was talking about. Clint's boyfriend was dragging Clint away from a group of poorly dressed women by his arm with a sour look on his face. Clint looked guilty and but at the same time a little happy. Maybe he was trying to work his boyfriend up but took it too far.

"Phil doesn't seem too happy." Steve observed. He looked at Natasha. "So, do you want to crash at my place tonight? They're probably going to need their privacy." Natasha gave a small nod before they both walked out, the sound of the heavy blasting music left behind them.

Steve and Tony (Stony) One ShotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt