"Together. One step at a time."

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Pairing: Super Husbands (Steve / Tony)
Warnings: Family Drama (Not too sad though)
Word Count: 972 words

A/N: My head is pounding and I'm unbelievably tired but I wrote this anyway because it wouldn't leave my head. So, here's another story! Enjoy!

(Good golly, I hope it doesn't seem rushed at the end.)


"What the hell were you thinking?!" Tony's voice echoed through the entire floor.

Bruce lifted his head as the elevator doors opened, only to pause when he heard Tony yell. Instead of getting off, Bruce stood there and waited for the doors to close once more.

Yeah, he wasn't going to get involved. Not this time.

Tony paced backwards in forwards in the main room, anger building inside of him.

"Dad, I just wanted to help people."

Tony stopped dead in his tracks and whipped his head around.

"Help people? Peter, you're on the news! They call you a vigilante; You're in headlines and national reports on TV!" Tony yelled. He took a deep breath before continuing.

"This isn't something you can just take lightly. People like us," He gestured to Steve with a flick of his hand. "We have enemies. You have to understand that. There are people out there who want to take us down and wipe us from the face of this earth, and they'll do anything to make sure it happens!" Tony turned and continued pacing. Steve sighed and rubbed his forehead.

This is going to be hard to explain, Steve thought, as he watched Peter stand in the middle of the room awkwardly fiddling with his fingers.

"Peter, you have to understand that your father and I care a lot about you." Steve started. "What we do - it isn't just going around the streets and dealing with every mugger and burglar we come across. We protect humanity from the forces beyond their knowledge and control. Things that everyday people couldn't even begin to imagine. Thor is from another world. He is but a myth to us. The abilities Wanda posses is that of magic, and no one believes in that. Even the incredible abilities you and I have are all but unknown to everyone. The more known you become, the more targets will appear on your back." Steve said firmly. It was the truth, and Peter needed to hear it.

"That's what I'm afraid of." Came a whisper. Steve and Peter turned to see Tony with a hurt look on his face.

"Dad-" Tony cut the boy off.

"No Peter." Tony spoke. His voice sounded pained. "What happens if someone does come after you? What are you going to do when someone wants to kill you or someone you love? What are you going to do then?" He asked harshly. His breathing picked up and he let out a shuddering breath.

"I can't do this right now." Tony turned on his heel and stormed off.

As Peter watched his father go, his stomach churned and his heart felt like it was breaking. He never wanted his parents to be upset because of him, but now look at what he's done.

"Look Peter," Steve began once more. "I know you want to help others. I'm glad you are using your powers for good rather than bad. The thing is, your father and I have had so many close experiences with death. Tony had many pieces of shrapnel in his chest which nearly killed him. If he hadn't gotten them out when he had, he'd be dead. Someone whom he thought was his friend tried to kill him. Hell, I was frozen in ice for seventy years! We've fought aliens from other worlds and destroyed a robot that thought he was doing good by making the human race extinct. Evil exists, and the more you expose yourself, the more people are going to want to take you down." Peter looked at his father and slowly nodded his head.

"I understand." He muttered. Steve stepped forward and placed his hand gently on his boy's shoulder.

"Don't get rid of your suit just yet though." Steve told him. Peter visibly brightened at his words.

"Give your father a few days to absorb all of this. For now, I want you to think about what your doing - really think about it - and ask yourself if this is what you want to do. There could come a day where you may get hurt, or may possibly die, and that's what your father and I are worried about. We love you and this isn't how we want to lose you." Steve paused. "Just think about it."

"I will." Said Peter. He put his arms around his father, giving him a big hug. "Thanks Pop." He whispered. Steve smiled.

"Anytime, son." Peter pulled himself away and ran towards his room.

With a sigh, Steve turned and made his way in the opposite direction, towards the elevator. As he reached the metal doors, they slid open, revealing a distraught Tony.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Should we let him risk himself like this?" Tony asked. Steve stepped inside and the doors closed behind him.

"I think we should let him do this. There will be certain boundaries, things he can't do, but it's ultimately his decision. If he wants to prowl the streets at night, if it'll get the bad guys off the street, then I say we let him." Steve said. Tony's eyes filled and he threw himself at Steve, melting into his chest. Steve wrapped his arms tightly around Tony and held him.

"How do we deal with this? How can I let my baby boy go out like that, knowing one day it could be his last?" Tony asked, tears threatening to make their way down his cheeks. Steve felt shattered hearing his husband voice his concerns, knowing he felt the same way.

"We deal with it together, one step at a time." Steve told him, trying his best to comfort the man in his arms.

Tony repeated his words, praying that their son would always come back to them.

"Together. One step at a time." He whispered softly into Steve's neck.

Steve and Tony (Stony) One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon