Taken (Pt2)

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Pairing: No pairing(s) mentioned
Warnings: A little dark-ish
Word Count: 344 words

AN: Alrighty. So, I racked my brain trying to figure out how to continue this in some way. This is the best I've got right now. I do apologise if you don't like it though.
Feel free to leave some suggestions on what I could write (either for this or anything else)!


The feeling in his chest grew harder to ignore. His heart clenched and his throat tightened. His eyes welled up and the pain steadily grew stronger.

The stinging of his face and the throbbing on his back was a constant reminder of where he was and what was happening to him.

He wasn't at home, inventing something new or joking with his friends. He was tied with both wrists hanging from a metal hook above him. His toes skimmed the floor, barely giving him enough vantage to push himself up and rest his arms once in a while.

Only two people had ever come in. One was the talker and the other was the attacker, although the first had thrown a few punches and kicks as well. The talker, a short but stocky man with a shaved head, would ask him questions about technology and his work, even his past work on weapons, then would turn to berating and belittling him. When he would get tired, he would dismiss himself and the other, a tall, burly bald man, would step forward to take his place.

It was a routine that Tony knew but never got used to.

It was the one day that two others came in that he knew something was wrong. They were silent but deadly; one kick had felt like it'd broken ribs and a punch had rendered him unconscious.

When he had awoken, he was tied to a metal table. Anytime he tried to struggle, he'd earn himself a bit of pain from both the restraints and the people standing watch over him.

What he had least expected, however, was the short man who often spoke to him to wheel in a tray with an assortment of objects on it. He knew then that he was screwed.

He wasn't sure if he would make it out of this one.

Tony didn't know what was going to happen next. He didn't know if anyone knew where he was, or if anyone was coming for him. And that terrified him.

He wished he'd said goodbye.

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