chapter 9 - packing

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- Story originally written 20th January 2020, fully edited 18th March 2023 and further editing starting from 30th December 2023.
- This chapter was originally republished 18th September 2023. Renamed 12th May 2024.

> verbal fighting
> slight physical altercations

Both boys were now standing next to Harry's old wooden bed in the Gryffindor common room, Draco was the first to break the silence, "These beds look quite uncomfortable." He mumbled before laying on the bed, the room had a few other students doing the same thing as Harry, packing.

The raven haired boy looked up from his almost packed trunk, "Comfortable?" The other boy struggled, "Decent, I guess."

"What's your favourite film?" One boy asked the other, "Why're you asking?"

"You're in my house now, I want to know more about you."

A door slamming shut broke the conversation, making everyone in the room look towards the source of the loud sound, Ronald walked through the door and towards his bed while mumbling, "The wind shut it." He briefly looked in Harry's direction before looking away again.

Harry was almost finished packing, all that was left to place in the dark brown trunk was another t-shirt and jumper. He noticed something out of the corner of his eye and looked up seeing Ron leaning against one of the beds wooden poles.

"Are you going to ignore me forever?" His voice sounded bitter, angry. Harry carried on packing his last few items before shutting and locking the trunk.

Draco was silently looking between the two boys, confused, desperately trying to come up with any possible thing that would tear these two apart. Nothing would come to mind these two had been friends for the whole time he had been at the school, they were rarely seen apart.

Ronald moved closer to him and grabbed his wrist forcing him to face the red head,  Draco stood up from his spot on the bed, "Weasley." he warned.

"Get the fuck away from me." Harry spat at him. The Gryffindor pushed him back against the grey bedside cabinet causing him to hiss, injuries from the previous day still fresh. Draco moved between the two stopping him from moving any closer.

"Malfoy, don't get involved." Ronald seethed.

"I don't care what's happened between the two of you but hitting and shoving isn't going to fix the issue, is it?"

"I don't know why he's acting like this. I haven't done anything to him." Lies, lies, lies. The boy standing behind Draco wanted to punch him, so desperately. "Yeah, sure. Alright." Draco responded sarcastically, "He wouldn't just go for someone for no reason."

Ron scoffed and poked at Draco's chest, "You've been besties with him for five minutes, do not act like you know him." The younger boy took the hand poking at his and chest and pushed it away from him. "I'm not acting like I know him, I just know he wouldn't waste time on someone like you for no reason."

Harry wanted to leave, he needed to leave, this fighting was making the room feel smaller, he couldn't stay there much longer. He checked that he had all his belongings packed while the two boys carried on bickering behind him.

"Draco," He caught his attention and a pair of silvery grey eyes landed on him, "Let's just leave." He looked at the boy for a second before nodding, "Wouldn't want to waste anymore of my time." He muttered before they left together.

Ronald wanted to say something, or punch him but neither option would be smart with all the other students' eyes on him. "Shows over." He mumbled before laying in bed"

The two boys walked into the new common room, the couches were positioned around the room, a desk placed in the corner and a spiral staircase at the furthest end of the room. Draco walked in front leading Harry up the stairs.

They were now up the stairs and standing in the hallway, "You alright?"

Harry hated the question, he hated it so much.

He nodded, "Yeah, are you?" The blonde nodded, "Your back okay from the shove?" Harry nodded. "Feels fine now."

Draco nodded before speaking up again, "In Slytherin we have two students occupy each bedroom."

'Do you know who I share with?'

"There are only a few students who have their roommate selected by teachers, for certain students they get to choose who they wish to share the room with, prefects, important names, students like that." He stopped talking and walked towards one of the rooms opening it and walking in, Harry stayed in his spot out in the hallway, unsure of where to go next.

Draco leaned out of the doorway slightly, "Are you coming in or staying out there all night?" Harry stood in the doorway while Draco sat on the bed, "If you want, that's your bed and your desk. My old roommate got re-sorted into a different house."

"Are you asking me if I want to be your roommate?"

A nod was the simple, straightforward reply.

"Are you asking me because you don't have one or because you want me as your roommate?"

"You're an interesting person," Draco stated simply, "Was that a yes or a no?"

836 words - chapter 9: packing

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