chapter 5 - sorting ceremony

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- Story originally written 20th January 2020, fully edited 18th March 2023 and further edited 30th December 2023 onwards.
- This part was originally re-published March 18th 2023. Renamed 31st December 2023.

> Slight talks about wanted death


Harry couldn't help but smile as he held the letter he'd received from Draco. He felt so genuine yesterday and in his letter, it made Harry wonder, maybe a truce could emerge between the two.

A little while later Harry had written a reply and handed it off to Hedwig to take to the intended recipient. It was a little after four now, but Harry didn't dare attempt to sleep, knowing it would result in him lying in bed for hours or nightmares which he had many of. Instead he decided to complete some school work he had forgotten to do over the summer break, most of it being due today. He spent a few hours catching up and managed to complete everything that was due during the upcoming day, the rest he would finish in between lessons and later tonight.

Harry groaned quietly when he felt a headache starting to settle in, he stood up from his seat realising the best thing to do now would be to get some sleep, even if it was only two hours, it's better than no sleep at all 

Under his covers in his red decorated bed, he let a few tears fall down his face until they turned into quiet sobs, he didn't want to do this anymore he didn't know how to handle it, he had no one. Ten minutes later his eyes felt heavy, he let himself succumb to the darkness.

Just past four, [2 hours before Harry laid in bed ] Draco's attention was pulled away from his journal when a light tapping noise sounded from his window, Hedwig waiting there seemingly eyeing the boy, he gently took the envelope out from within her beak, "Bye Hedwig." he whispered before she flew away. Nervously he opened the letter, there could be so many things Harry could write, telling him to leave him alone, telling him the letter was odd and that he was a freak.

He took a deep breath before reading the words written inside.


I'm unsure of what to write, THE Draco Malfoy sending me a letter? I should feel honoured. When the drawing is complete you'll see it, the model should always see the art. For the second reason you mentioned, my injuries, I've managed to help them somewhat, I'd prefer not to go into details about them, I appreciate your concern and will keep your medical offer in mind.

Thank you,

Sincerely, Harry Potter.

A slight smile broke out onto his lips, the model should always see the art.

Deciding to reply to the letter later in the day, Draco got into bed and tried to sleep.


Harry groggily woke up to an alarm, Seamus' alarm, he moved onto his back wanting to sleep for the rest of the day, he was exhausted. He was glad his school work was completed for today and he wouldn't get into trouble. Wearing black jeans, a black sweater, complete with a pair of black, ankle high boots, he made his way towards the great hall, his bag on his back.

Looking around at the things he'd seen so many times before, he realised how different they looked now, everything could be seen in a new light. Dumbledore sat at his spot at the front, McGonagall on his left, Hagrid and Snape on his right. 

The seat taken by the raven haired boy was opposite Hermione who sat next to Ron, Ginny and Neville on his left and right, he made a point of not paying much attention to Hermione and Ron, and only being polite to the others. He doesn't know who else is part of the setup so he couldn't trust them, he couldn't trust anyone. Not anymore.

"Greetings students," Dumbledore started speaking, the kids immediately went silent, "For students who haven't been informed, or students who have failed to remember, today is the resorting ceremony!" none of them knew how to react, should they be happy? Or should they be terrified? "All students will remain seated, one at a time, as your name is called you'll walk up, and the sorting hat will sort you into a house."

"Let us begin," he paused as the scroll full of the students' names unravelled, they tend to read names out alphabetically instead of by years. After a while Hermione Granger's name was called, an indecisive hat finally decided on a house, "RAVENCLAW!" tremendous cheers were heard from the blue table, boos being loud from the red table. After a few more names, Ronald Weasley's name was called, he made his way to the front of the hall and got his house read to him, "GRYFFINDOR!" louder cheers could be heard from Harry's table, most of the members from his house were placed back into Gryffindor. "Draco Malfoy." the boy shakily made his way towards the hat, the house he'd been told echoed around the hall, "SLYTHERIN!" This made the green team cheer, while Harry wished and hoped he'd be put into the same house as the blonde haired boy.

"Harry Potter." his name was yelled into the hall, he felt terrified, shaking twice as hard as Draco was. The sorting hat was placed on his head by McGonagall, then the sorting hat made its decision.

865 words - chapter 5: sorting ceremony

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