3. Searching for Light

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Adiscordia was set on the ground as soon as her father escaped the forest. The wind gave her a harsh push and she struggled to keep her balance. By now the clouds had darkened the city of Andreni. This natural darkness was a haven after seeing the curse so close. It had consumed every shape and object around it, making it an extension of itself with no distinction between it and the former forest. She never wanted to step foot in that place again.

"Addy!" Her sister shrieked before rushing into her arms. She couldn't keep standing at the force of her sister nearly running her over with a tight grip and they tumbled to the ground. She quickly kissed her sister's head and held her tight. "You heard mamma, we aren't going back there. The curse won't get you. I promise I won't let it."

"Adiscordia, Grizelda! Don't linger, we still need to make it home." Nicholas warned. He grabbed their shoulders and supported their backs for balance as they stood up.

"There will be time for comfort when we arrive. It's not far now!" Katherine shouted trying to keep a hold of her dress and hood.

She gave her sister a reassuring squeeze before grabbing her hand tightly. "Let's go home."

Their house was a tent made of a few sheets of canvas tied to stakes deep in the ground. They convulsed in the wind and looked as if they'd rip away from their confines. As it came into view Nicholas broke into a sprint. He'd need to reinforce them soon. Adiscordia couldn't be more grateful that her mamma had pinned down their lighter belongings with stones that morning.

As soon as they arrived Grizelda was quick to crawl into her mat and pull the sheets over her small frame for warmth. She curled up into a ball, hiding her doll in the center. Adiscordia followed soon after while Katherine sealed off the exit.

Adiscordia's mat was rough. The hay inside poked at her back but as her sister looked toward her she quickly realized there was no place she'd rather be. Their home promised safety, especially after such a nightmarish truth had been revealed. She opened her arms and her sister leaped onto her mat with her. She enveloped her arms around her to keep both Grizelda and Nanna warm. Loud thuds soon followed as their father took his precautions reaffirming the stakes.

Though they were safe from the storm, Adiscordia struggled to find relief from the unsettling truth. She watched her mother light an oil lamp. The tent was soon lit, and though the wind threatened to blow it out her mother kept the flame alive with expert care. At that moment nothing could make her feel more secure than being at a lighted home with her family. Grizelda peeked out and shifted slightly to come closer to it. She was pleased that her sister was also comforted by it. Her sweet little sister, she couldn't take it out of her mind. That curse dared lure her in, she was only a babe!

She bit her tongue trying to focus on what to do now. She needed to learn more. She would defeat this wicked curse. Her parents had lasted this long, how hard could it be? "Mamma, that song about the witch in the forest, and her curse. Is it true? Was she also marked?"

Katherine's calm exterior turned into a frown. She sat on her mat to face her two daughters, "Yes." Her answer was shorter than she'd hoped. She wanted her to elaborate. Had she ever met this great witch? Her mind buzzed with questions that she needed to be answered. "Enough about the curse for today. How about we talk about why I denied you that squirrel, hm?"

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