6. Her Punishment

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Grizelda admired her sister. She was so determined in how hard she worked to study and obey the scroll their father had given her. She gave her security and she hoped she'd grow to be her. As she held her hand and went further from the bustling scene behind her she found it easier to breathe. There were no foreigners to worry about and no fears of getting lost. It was just her, her, and Addy. The thought turned a little sour in her stomach. She quickly held Nanna closer to her cheeks. She would never forget about her.

The tree at the top seemed even gloomier than before, it's color having faded into a dull gray. Its branches limped as if they too had lost the strength to stand high and firm. If there had ever been a path it was now hidden by the overgrown straw colored grass.

The sun shone in between the branches into Grizelda's eyes making her blink a few times. She rubbed her eyes, but when she tried to take her sister's hand again she couldn't find it. She turned to see Adiscordia scratching her bonnet.

Scritchk, Scritchk

She heard it from there. She stopped to look at the back of her sister's head. "Did a bug bite you?"

Her sister didn't react, instead she continued forward. Was she leaving her behind?

Scritchk, Scritchk, Scritchk, Scritchk

"Sissy?" Her sister continued in her trance like state. The sour burn from earlier rose to her chest. Adiscordia would never leave her.

Scritchk, Scritchk, Scritchk, Scritchk, Scritchk, Scritchk

Her bonnet couldn't hide the noise. Didn't it hurt? Was she mad? Was this because she upset the doll vendor and ran at the marketplace? Grizelda scampered to her sister and pulled at her shoulders. "Addy!"

Only then did she acknowledge her. "Gri-"

"I'm sorry!" Grizelda yelled with a stomp. She wasn't sure what she did wrong but she did something wrong, she had to. Her sister left her alone and ignored her. Her eyes stung for a moment and complimented her reddened cheeks. It was because she embarrassed her at the marketplace, wasn't it? She had gotten so excited she couldn't help it!

"For what?" Her sister quickly leaned forward. "Grizelda, what's wrong."

She took her arm as she came close. "I'm sorry I was bad at the marketplace. I'll be good next time, I promise!"

Her sister's head tilted to the side. "What?"

"I was bad at the marketplace and so you're leaving me behind. "She clung to her. She was hers, no one else's. Without her, what was she? She couldn't do anything by herself.

Adiscordia shook her head and hastily wiped away her tears. "I'm not going anywhere." Adiscordia exclaimed before giving Grizelda a kiss on the forehead. "Don't cry Gri, I'm not going anywhere." She repeated, this time with a soothing voice. At those words Grizelda burrowed herself into her sister's chest. She had been so scared for the past few moments. "Why would you ever think that?"

Grizelda pushed away from her sister before wiping her nose with her arm. "I was scared... you weren't talking and kept going without me. It's because I embarrassed you at the marketplace right? I went too fast and I touched the doll? Addy, I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry! A-and you keep scratching, does it hurt?"

Her sister grabbed her just as tightly as she'd held Nanna. "No, No, I promise it wasn't you. You could never embarrass me. I'm not mad, Don't apologize. I'm right here." Caring but firm hands brushed through her hair. "I'm sorry. I was distracted by what I told you earlier. I'm itchy, and it hurts a little, but Mamma will know what to do. I think I was thinking too hard but Gri, I would never leave you." The hug was broken as Adiscordia stared into her eyes with a stern voice. "Don't you ever think that."

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