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Ragini and Vivaan walks inside the despondence room.

They see a man & a lady sitting there.

Hello Mr Ajay said Vivaan to his client. They shake hands.

Miss Anjali said Vivaan.

Why am i being called here, asked she in a rude way.

Vivaan- We wanted to talk to you, She he said pointing towards Ragini, is my assistant , a lawyer too. We have a deal for you.

Anjali smirks & says - I have already rejected your previous offer. I want Rs 3 Lakh as alimony every month.

Vivaan & Ragini sat infront of Ajay & Anjali

We have a new offer for you said Ragini taking the charge.

But Before that i would like to talk to you One on one.

Vivaan looks at Ragini shocked.

Vivaan- Miss Gadodia, sideways a minute.

They go to a side.

Vivaan- What exactly are you trying to do Ragini, dont mess it up, Anjali is very shrewd and..

Ragini shows him her hands & says- Let me handle it Kaankhajure.

Vivaan looked at her, Ragini realised what she said.

Ragini- I mean, i will not mess up sir, dont worry.

Vivaan- Fine

They go towards Ajay & anjali. So Mr Ajay why dont you come with me,  let them talk.

Ajay looks at Vivaan. Vivaan gives him its okay look. They go out.

So Lets start , said Ragini.

I am not interested in any offers said Anjali.

Who told you i am gonna give you any offer. Smirks Ragini. Anjali felt intimidated by Ragini's smirk.

Btw I love the purse you are carrying. said Ragini pointing to Anjali's purse.

What's brand is it, trying to look at the  name. LV , the famous french brand Louis Vetton.Said Ragini.

 Anjali did not have any answer, Ragini smriks.

So Miss Anjali you said in court that if this divorce happens you wont be able to take care of yourself so u want 3 lacs pm as alimony.  but your bank satement says something else.

You have recieved more than 50 lacs in last 8 months. said Ragini.

This does not proof anything, i too know that much law said Anjali.

Ofcourse,  but it will be enough to prove that you are a liar. Ragini looks at Anjali with a smrik.

Plus then it will not be hard to prove that you have an affair.  Said Ragini.

What .. I.. I dont have any affair Anjali says hesitating.

May be you dont have or may be you have an affair.

But that's not the thing miss anjali, once we prove in court that youy are a liar, court will not trust you on anything. said Ragini.

Anjali was now caught in Ragini's web.

Fine tell me what you want. said anjali.

Sign these papers of mutual divorce settlement. said Ragini.

Anjali sees those papers and says - What it says i will get jut 50k pm only.

Yes, said Ragini.

But Vivaan had said he wld get me 1lac pm.  Said Anjali.

Ohh come on Miss anjali, that Vivaan was just being Generous, but i am not , she said staring at her.  btw if u dont wanna sign , its ok , lets see u in court, and then i am sure u will not get this too. Said Ragini.

Anjali thinks its better to have something rather than having nothing. She signs the papers and gave it to Ragini.

Btw Miss Anjali just an advice from a girl to girl, Use a better concealer to hide those love bites on your neck.  Said Ragini.

Anjali gets embarrased & just walks out.

Vivaan and Aryan saw her walking away. They went to Ragini.

What happened asked Vivaan.

Ragini paased him the signed papers. Case closed she said looking at him.

What Aryan said, and i will have to pay just 50k pm.

I hope u can pay it.  asked Ragini.

Yaa ofcourse i can. said aryan.

Thank you thank you so much mam , thanks vivaan sir said aryan. You dont know i feel so relaxed. He thanks them again & goes out.

Vivaan- What did you do.

Nothing much i just used her lies against her. said Ragini.

Vivaan smiles and says well done bhukkhad.

Ragini glares at him. He realised what he said.

They just walk out of deposition room, Vivaan went to his cabin while Ragini sat on her desk.

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