Chapter 8

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3:00 pm Friday, 22nd June 2029

Airlock on the OCF

When Toby reached the airlock the other three were already there, pulling on thin polythene hazmat suits. Summers passed one to Toby and he struggled to put it on in zero gravity. The transparent suit fought him every inch of the way but he pulled the final zip just as the inner airlock doors slid open.

A single figure floated inside the airlock, bathed in UVC light. It pulled itself forward into the OCF proper and held out some sort of scanner with blinking lights.

Toby found he couldn't breathe. There was an extraterrestrial, not four yards away from him. Like themselves, the humanoid figure was dressed in a protective suit with a full face mask similar to his own. The suit was silvery grey in color and had various miniature instruments clipped to a utility belt, some of which were emitting steady beeping noises.

The alien checked a readout on his scanner which it then clipped to its belt, and came closer.

"My name is Velan," the figure announced in perfect, slightly accented, English. "I am the senior representative of the deputation from the planet Vitu."

Toby was dumbfounded and guessed the others felt the same. There was an awkward silence. Charlie seemed to recover first. She pulled herself forward.

"Welcome to the United States of America."

"I'll go and tell my colleagues it's safe to enter. My instruments show there are no pathogens present so we can dispense with the antimicrobic garments."

The visitor went back through the airlock and the four of them began unzipping their own hazmat suits.

"Thanks, Charlie," Summers said. "I clammed up ... couldn't think of what to say, but, 'welcome to the United States of America'. Where did that come from?"

"We never discussed how we would greet them. It was the first thing that came into my head."

Summers nodded, "I suppose we are a sort of embassy, so it was appropriate, well done. At least you broke the ice."


The inner door of the airlock opened again and Toby watched as the four visitors came through. They wore tightly fitting tan-coloured two-piece tunics with high necks, and it was obvious from the contours of her tunic that one was a woman. All were slightly built and had lightly tanned complexions. They looked like perfectly ordinary people from the Indian subcontinent.

Toby couldn't gauge their ages. Their faces were youthful and unlined and they were all dark-haired. One of the men, who Toby guessed was Velan, looked slightly older. There was a hint of grey at his temples and he was the only one of the four not smiling.

"Shall we go through to our accommodation module? We'll be more comfortable there," Summers proposed.

"Just as you wish," Velan agreed courteously.

Summers led the way and the visitors followed, manoeuvring gracefully through the weightless corridors. Everyone except Toby seemed to move easily using small economical taps against the grab handles.

In contrast, Toby blundered from side to side, crashing against the walls and ceiling, even turning completely upside down at one point. He felt like an idiot when he noticed the woman glancing at him, trying not to laugh.

Summers warned the visitors that gravity would begin to take effect when they passed into the rotating accommodation module. They all landed gently on their feet except Toby who still wasn't used to the transition. His long legs splayed in different directions and the woman caught his arm. She was surprisingly strong and when Toby thanked her he realised she was also extraordinarily beautiful. Her eyes danced with mischief as she whispered "don't mention it" in a voice that sent a shiver down his spine.


Summers led them all to the crew room. There was no need for strict security now and, in any case, the SBR was too cramped for eight people.

Once everyone was standing together, Toby judged their height to be around five-six. All four were of a similar height and had the same slender build. The two younger men were hard to tell apart. They could have been brothers.

Summers indicated they should sit around the largest of the tables and suggested they start by introducing themselves. He began by describing his own role in the Mars colony project and Velan asked if, as project director, he was the senior representative of Earth. Summers said he was, and then gestured for Charlie, Toby and Rob to do their own introductions.

Once they had finished, Velan explained that he was a physician and that besides leading the delegation he was responsible for making sure no viruses were carried back with them. He said the authorities on Vitu knew about the recent pandemics and were extremely concerned about the pathogens present on Earth. That's why they had requested the meeting be held aboard the OCF, rather than on the planet's surface.

Velan went on to introduce the two younger men as Mutu, a historian, and Nimir, a biologist. The woman was a psychologist called Jayal.

Toby was about to ask why the delegation would need a psychologist but, at that moment, Charlie stood up and asked what everyone would like to drink.

"Coffee, tea, fruit juice or water?" she offered. "I'm afraid it's a limited choice up here."

"I'd love some tea," Jayal said brightly, and the other three visitors concurred. Toby also asked for tea, but Summers and Rob wanted coffee.

"I'll help you," Jayal offered and joined Charlie in the small kitchenette. Toby could hear them laughing as Charlie showed Jayal how the drinks dispenser worked.

While they were waiting, Summers asked Velan how long they intended to stay.

"Indefinitely. We are authorized to stay until all our goals are accomplished," Velan answered.

Summers nodded but resisted the temptation to ask what those goals were. Then Summers told Velan that his instructions were to record all official meetings. He said that when the informal 'meet and greet' was over Rob would set up a video recording device if the visitors did not object.

Velan said they had expected that and had no objections. He proposed they begin that evening with a prepared talk by Mutu on the history of Vitu.

"I'm afraid we don't have a historian to give a similar talk on the history of Earth," Summers apologized.

"No need," Velan said. "We are already very familiar with Earth's history. This is not our first visit."

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