Chapter 26

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10:00 pm Saturday, 7th July 2029

Airlock on the OCF

The moment Jayal came through the airlock on Saturday night, Toby knew something serious had happened. She had a frantic look in her eyes and as soon as Mutu's back was turned she tapped her lips furiously. It was an unmistakable signal that she needed to talk urgently.

Toby nodded to indicate he understood and thought hard as they made their way to the children's rooms. Then he had an idea.

"Get Jayal to come for some tea with you in the crew room," he whispered to Charlie.

"Mutu?" Charlie mouthed silently but Toby just shrugged. He knew Mutu would stick to her like glue.

While they were getting the children settled, Toby went to his cabin and retrieved the notebook computer with his flash drive and pocketed one of the Midazolam nasal sprays. He checked there was a basic word processing program on the notebook and opened a blank document. He wrote the words: NASAL SEDATION SPRAY - USE AFTER HE FALLS ASLEEP - THEN COME TO CREW ROOM. He minimized the document and prayed that Mutu had no clue how a terrestrial computer worked.

Toby set the notebook on the crew room table and opened his folder of photographs.

"I'm going to show Jayal some photographs of my home," he told Summers and Rob, wary of saying too much in case Velan could pick up their conversation.

"Rob, why don't you tell Mutu all about the gay scene in L.A. I'm sure he won't want to see my photos."

Rob's jaw dropped and he was about to object when Summers glared at him. He had deduced that Toby was up to something.

Summers took the seat next to Toby just as Charlie walked in with Jayal and Mutu.

"Come and look at Toby's pictures you two," he called to them enthusiastically while looking at the first picture on the screen. "It looks like a really wet ... barren ... deserted ... place."


Jayal seemed genuinely interested in the pictures of sheep and highland cattle but Mutu soon grew bored and Rob dutifully engaged him in some innocuous conversation.

Toby quickly opened the document he had prepared and let Jayal read it as she continued to make flattering comments about Oronsay. He slipped the small spray canister into her hand under the table. Then she asked if she could use the keys to click through the pictures herself.

She examined the unfamiliar keyboard and then began pressing individual letters while Toby kept up a commentary about his photos.

THEY ARE GOING TO KILL THE CHILDREN Jayal typed hesitantly with one finger. Summers drew a sharp intake of breath.

"Beautiful sunset," he remarked, recovering his composure just as Jayal continued tapping the keys.



"It is late Jayal," Mutu called across the table. "I would like to go to our room now."

Toby quickly typed TONIGHT and then deleted the document.


At 1 am Jayal crept quietly into the crew room and gave Toby a quick hug. No one uttered a word as she made a scissors motion. They all knew that any unusual noise could alert Velan.

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