Chapter 30

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4:00 pm Sunday, 8th July 2029

Pod Compartment on 'The Blimp'

The plan was a simple one. They had memorized the layout of the blimp but everything hinged on Velan being in the medical bay when they arrived. He would be expecting the children to arrive with Jayal, Mutu and Nimir, so he would have no reason to meet them at the pod compartment. Jayal was sure he would be waiting in the medical bay, impatient to begin the procedure.

Summers and Toby would take the direct route to the medical bay while Rob took the longer alternative tunnels to the other exit to prevent Velan's escape. On the way, he would pass the dormitories. Jayal had told them there was an electrolaser clipped into a bracket next to the entrance to each one. The brackets were also charging units so the weapons were always fully charged. Rob would grab one and use it on Velan if he met him in the tunnel.

The only other electrolaser was located on the flight deck, so Summers and Toby would have only their screwdrivers and garrottes as weapons.


The pod compartment door slid open automatically as they approached and the pod inched its way inside and locked itself onto the deck. The door slid shut and they waited for the compartment to pressurize. An indicator in the pod told them it was safe and Jayal led them into the compartment.

Toby looked around. Two more pods were parked on the deck and racks of couriers in their launchers lined one bulkhead.

Jayal took them to the exit and opened the airtight sliding door. She nodded when Summers ordered her to wait in the compartment. She hugged Toby and whispered "stay safe" as they prepared to set off.

"Hey, don't I get a hug?" Rob begged, and Jayal gave him a peck on the cheek before he entered the tunnel.


Toby followed Summers. He judged the tunnel to be about five feet square, big enough for a short person to stand upright if there had been any gravity. All four sides were matt black and ribbed with a non-slip surface. Recessed lamps gave not only light but also orientation. Toby assumed the lamps were on the 'top' side.

More tunnels branched off to the left and right but Summers seemed to know where he was going. Toby was unnerved by the interior of the vessel. He could imagine giant rodents scrabbling through the tunnels. It felt like a huge rat run. Then Summers stopped dead. They had reached the medical bay.

Summers indicated that he would count to three with his fingers and they would go in as fast as possible. Summers took out his screwdriver and Toby did the same, then Summers completed the count and shot forward with Toby close on his heels.


Toby had seconds to take in the scene as he propelled himself into the bay. It was larger than he'd expected. Velan was standing on the far side of a metallic operating table. He was toying with a tray of surgical instruments. For a moment Toby thought the bay must have artificial gravity but then he realized that there were loops fastened to the deck around the table. Surgeons could insert their feet in the loops while operating.

Velan was staring open-mouthed at Summers who was heading straight for him, screwdriver in hand. Velan dropped the scalpel he was holding and it hit the tray with a clunk. Magnetic, Toby thought. Then Velan half-turned and pushed off towards the tunnel entrance on the far side of the bay.

Both Toby and Summers continued their progress towards the spot where Velan had been. There was nothing to grab onto to either increase their speed or change direction. They could only watch helplessly as Velan disappeared into the tunnel.


Summers hesitated when they finally worked their way to the far tunnel entrance.

"We need to be careful. He's had time to arm himself."

"Rob should be blocking the way to the flight deck and he'll have an electrolaser. With any luck, he'll take Velan by surprise."

"Let's hope so. We'll head towards the flight deck and stop him if he tries to turn back."

The two men propelled themselves through the tunnel, expecting Velan to emerge from every side turning and shoot at them. It was nerve-wracking. Sure enough, when they got to the first dormitory entrance, a set of clips hung open and empty from the wall. Now they knew for sure that Velan was armed.


Rob had the shortest route to the alternative medical bay entrance firmly imprinted in his mind. Left, first right, third right and so on. Like Toby, he likened the tunnels to a rat run and they made his skin crawl.

At last, he reached the long gently curving tunnel he knew from Jayal's plan ran past the dormitories, the full length of the blimp. As far as he could see, it was empty. He pulled himself forward to the first dormitory entrance. The electrolaser clipped to the wall looked like a fat-barrelled rifle. It had a red button in place of a trigger but was evidently designed to be held in human hands. He wondered if the Atikas could use them, or if they were made specifically for Manitan guards. He had no doubt the electrolasers were meant to subdue any troublesome occupants of the dormitories.

He tried to open the clips holding the weapon. They were incredibly stiff. He prised at the clips with his screwdriver. They wouldn't budge. The straps holding the electrolaser looked like thin steel bands. He wouldn't be able to break them. He decided to try the next one.

Rob had covered more than half the distance when he saw a figure appear further down the tunnel. He recognized Velan instantly and saw the weapon in his hand. Rob pushed furiously against the ribbed walls, powering himself to the next electrolaser. He grabbed onto the charging unit to stop himself from scooting past. Velan was approaching steadily and didn't seem to be in any hurry. He stopped a few yards away and watched Rob clawing uselessly at the clips.

"Do you really think that we allow anyone to use our weapons?" he asked with a smirk. "The catches have fingerprint recognition. Only we Manitan can release them."

"You should give up now Velan. Your friends are dead," Rob scowled, "and mine will be here soon."

"I do hope so. Once I eradicate them and warn the Presidium that you are aware of our intentions I will go and bring the savants here myself. Your little trick is nothing but a minor delay to the completion of my mission."

Rob threw the screwdriver and watched it spin harmlessly past his opponent's head as Velan raised the electrolaser and pressed the red button.

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