58. Chapter (The Feast Continues)

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Meanwhile, Lorraine, catching sight of Arden, elegantly approached him, embodying the grace and poise befitting a lady of high standing. "Lord Arden," she greeted him warmly, her eyes sparkling with vivacity.

"Lady Lorraine," he replied, returning her radiant smile with a polite nod. "You are positively resplendent this evening," he complimented her, his words conveying admiration for a lady he deemed his friend.

Lady Rosewell chuckled, eliciting an alluring sound, tinged with coquetry. "Perhaps it is the effect of the wine, Lord Arden. This is assuredly the most exquisite wine I have had the pleasure to partake in."

"In that case, allow me to offer another glass," Arden suggested, his gallantry evident, as he motioned to summon a servant.

However, Lorraine halted him with a soft touch on his arm. "Thank you, but nay. A lady must always exhibit discretion in her indulgences."

"What are you suggesting?" inquired Arden, his eyebrows arching. "That you shall now retreat into some dark corner so nobody sees you indulging?" he jested, prompting yet another hearty chuckle from her. "I'm afraid I cannot allow such conduct, Lady Lorraine."

"Nay, Lord Arden," she replied with a smile, "I shall now take a sip whenever your back is turned to me, then."

In a delightful turn of events, the sound of the musicians tuning their instruments caught Lorraine's attention, eliciting an excited exclamation. "Ah, a gavotte, my favourite dance!"

Though not inherently enamoured with dancing, Arden found himself captivated by Lorraine's infectious enthusiasm and charm. Extending his arm with elegant poise, he requested, "May I have the honour of this dance, Lady Lorraine?"

A roguish smile graced Lorraine's lips as she gracefully accepted his invitation, and together, they swayed to the enchanting melodies, their steps in perfect harmony with the refined ambience of the ballroom. As the dance concluded, Arden and Lorraine exchanged a graceful curtsy before he escorted her to a cluster of ladies, offering his apologies.

In the presence of the spirited Lorraine, memories of Lynette tugged at his heart. Determined, he decided to briefly withdraw from the festivities and pay a visit to her chamber, specially prepared for her.

Gently knocking, he found no response, and cautiously, he opened the door. She lay upon the bed, seemingly asleep. Since her rescue from Gareth's clutches, she had been recovering not only from her physical wounds but also the deep scars upon her soul. However, the healing process was slow, and she shunned all company, refusing to emerge from her secluded sanctuary. Whispers of her abduction, torment, and subsequent discovery had spread among the servants, yet details and identities remained undisclosed.

Speculations of a scandalous liaison between her and Arden had also circulated, prompting him to arrange separate accommodations, far removed from prying eyes. Lynette appeared detached and guarded, but what pained him most was her unwillingness to confide in him about the horrors she had endured.

Drawing nearer to the bed, he beheld her countenance, now adorned with the bloom of recovery. Succumbing to a moment of longing, he delicately caressed her cheek, causing her to startle and regard him with the apprehension of a frightened bird.

"'Tis only I," Arden whispered softly.

"What brings you hither?" she inquired wearily, sitting up and gently dislodging his hand.

He settled beside Lynette. "I yearn for your presence."

Her gaze met Arden's briefly before diverting to the coverlet.

"My heart aches for the torment plaguing your soul. Pray, why do you withhold the tale of what transpired at Allman's estate? Did Gareth inflict harm upon your person... physically?"

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