47. Chapter (The True Deuce of Grays)

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On a fine morning, Rose was perusing the missives, entirely unaware of Conrad's sudden appearance behind her. Had she detected him, she would have promptly altered her course to avoid any unseemly encounter and perhaps escape what loomed, brought forth by the hands of one very inebriated and violent man. Therefore, in that initial moment, not a single sound passed her lips as a forceful hand seized her by the hair, abruptly dragging her from the comfort of the settee to the cold, hard floor. The letters were scattered across the expanse of the polished flagstones in an instant, and it was only when her gaze locked with Conrad's fiery, hazel yet bloodshot eyes that a piercing cry escaped her delicate lips.

"Oh, Conrad, release me, I beseech you!"

Yet he had no intention of granting her release, verily not. He had passed a sleepless night, determined to spare her not the reproof she was due for her conduct. He was, as was his wont, driven by yet another demon—alcohol—and even partook of a mysterious powder at the brothel, purported to grant him a clearer vision. And indeed, clearer vision did he possess, better than ever afore, wherein all blame for his wretchedness rested squarely upon this woman who had ensured his separation from Corinne. Not that he still harboured affection for Corinne—after years of embitterment and countless epistles penned by her quill, he had grown disenchanted with her as well. He regarded them both as a pair of ravens, flitting and cavorting above his very grave, to which they had contributed, through their combined efforts, with the utmost alacrity. He would certainly fare far better in their absence!

"Did you presume that Daniel and Felix would be at your beck and call for eternity?" Conrad posed to her, his free hand forming a tightly clenched fist, poised to strike her countenance.

Rose gasped, sensing the surge of blood into her oral cavity, yet made no move to shield her visage, for she strove instead to extricate herself from his grasp.

"This is the consequence of defying me, you despicable hag!" He proclaimed, his voice dripping with scorn.

Conrad flung her to the floor, where she lay sprawled upon her side, while he knelt before her, forcefully pressing down upon her cranium with his hand.

"And this, my dear, is the consequence of your audacious intrusion into my life and your tenacious grip on it!"

Another brutal blow was aimed at her tender ribs, momentarily robbing her of breath. "You wretched creature, a veritable devil incarnate! I lament the day our paths converged," Rose whispered, her voice fraught with torment.

"A devil, indeed! And what, pray tell, does that make you? Do you not bear the weight of guilt for the demise of Robert St. Arcey, you deceitful temptress? You are but Lucifer personified!" Conrad bellowed, his rage unabated as he relentlessly pummelled her shoulder.

Never did she confess to him that her visit to Corinne was directly related to this matter—that he would accuse her of divulging Travis' secret, whether or not he meted out his blows. Nevertheless, she possessed an unblemished conscience.

"I have never... uttered a word to Robert!" Rose defended.

"You speak falsehoods!"

She felt his next blow strike her ribs with even greater force. Knowing full well that her sons had embarked upon a brief excursion, Rose found it peculiar that none of the household staff had responded to the commotion. Undoubtedly, this was the handiwork of the very demon currently tormenting her, making her feverishly ponder how best to survive the ordeal until Daniel and Felix return home.

"Pray, as you wish! I shall divulge the entire affair!"

"Indeed, it is high time," Conrad declared, swivelling her onto her back upon the floor and straddling her form.

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