13. Chapter (One Solicitor's Woes)

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Daniel approached the door behind which Rose's chamber lay. It was not uncommon for her and Conrad to have separate sleeping quarters. After all, they only tolerated each other's presence in one room for essential occasions, and once their duties in terms of progeny were fulfilled, there was no reason to force conjugal obligations any further. Moreover, Rose had grown repulsed by her unfaithful spouse, Conrad. Daniel delicately tapped on the door, awaiting his mother's permission before entering.

"I am nearly prepared, but I have had a change of heart regarding this necklace. Would you be so kind as to assist me in exchanging it for this chain?" Rose inquired, perched upon a chair before a modest looking glass. She turned toward him, presenting the golden chain for his acceptance.

Her flowing raven locks were artfully styled in an immaculate chignon, while long, gilded earrings adorned with sapphires dangled gracefully from her earlobes, providing a striking contrast against her fair countenance and her gown of pale blue-green hue. On this morn, she appeared exquisitely youthful and radiant, with sparks of anticipation flickering in her eyes, cognisant of the revelations she would likely glean from the family solicitor, to whom her uncle Reginald Sullivan had entrusted his final testament. Daniel exchanged the necklace for the chain and bestowed a compliment upon his mother.

"You are resplendent today, dear mother."

"I thank you, my devoted son. Have you encountered your father this day?"

"He departed hence approximately an hour past," Daniel responded.

Rose merely sighed.

"I would inquire of his whereabouts, yet it scarcely piques my interest. At least he shall not impede our progress," she averred, bestowing a smile upon Daniel.

"And what of Felix? I have subtly alluded to him concerning our true purpose for venturing hither."

A shadow of concern eclipsed Rose's smile as she considered the query.

"'Tis unfair that we exclude him from our scheme. Should we harbour distrust, he shall continue to incline toward father," Daniel expressed before she could respond.

Rose turned her gaze back to the looking glass, peering into it as though glimpsing through its very depths.

"You speak with sagacity. I ought not to play favourites, as it avails us nought. Alas, I confess I have failed and continue to falter in forging a similar bond with your brother as I have with you. While you were begotten from love, my own at least, Felix is the consequence of the enmity between myself and Conrad. And this circumstance between us stands akin to an impregnable barrier I cannot surmount."

Daniel approached the window, as was his wont, peering outward into the garden, where the gardener conducted an inspection of the yet slumbering flora, occasionally making notations within his ledger.

"If you are unable to accomplish it alone, why not disclose it to him?" he proffered after a brief pause.

Rose rose from her seat and drew near to him.

"I apprehend that such an action would only augment his loyalty to his sire. Your brother is inherently virtuous, yet he is also capricious and guileless... I dread the day when the world shatters his heart, and he metamorphoses into what Conrad is today," she confessed, her countenance rife with worry.

"Such knowledge eludes us to this day," Daniel countered. "Our father lacked someone to guide him upon the path of rectitude. But Felix has you and me."

Rose regarded him with a smile, her heart swelling with pride upon hearing his words and witnessing his judicious demeanour. She harboured no doubt that his sentiments were sincere, just as when he had vowed to shield her from Conrad's callous grasp.

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