Chapter 3

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The sun is shining in through the window and hits Luna in the face. The Luna opens her eyes  and looks around and sees her son asleep next to her. Luna smiles  and kisses his cheek, making  him stur in his sleep. Luna pulls  him closer to her he smiles as he wraps his arms around her. Luna let out a slight chuckle and kissed his forehead a few minutes later. Lincoln wakes up and sits up Lincoln, then feels someone wrap their arm around him he look to who. It was his mother, Luna, then asked, "Hey buddy, sleep well," Luna asked ya pretty well. Lincoln said Luna and pulled him in close to her, and kissed his cheek again. Lincoln chuckled as she did. I love you, mom, "Lincoln said. I love you too, sweetie Luna said as they both  then got out of bed and went for the bathroom. Luna let her son go first as he never took too long, and after 5 minutes, he came out of the bathroom to get ready for the day and went downstairs to get some breakfast with his mother joining him a few minutes later so buddy ready for your first day of a new school Luna asked not really  Lincoln responded Luna could tell he was slightly afraid  so she wrapped her arm around him Lincoln there's nothing to be afraid of I promise Luna said as she kissed his cheek

One Hour Later

Luna's car pulls up to the school inside the car, and Lincoln and Luna Lincoln stare at the school he then feels a hand on his shoulder he looks to his mother Luna says Lincoln there's nothing to be afraid of honey it'll be alright Luna said Lincoln hugged her took a deep  breath and got out of the car see you after school buddy Luna said Lincoln nodded and went inside the building once she saw he was inside she drove back to the house Lincoln walks down the halls looking for his first class but wasn't paying attention where he was going and bummed into another student sorry Lincoln quickly apologized it ok are you alright asked the kid ya do you know where this class is Lincoln asked oh ya that my first class of the day aswell come on follow me thanks Lincoln said what's you name asked Lincoln I'm Clyde and you Lincoln he said oh well nice to meet you Lincoln said Clyde ya you to responded Lincoln

A few hours later

The end of the school day was near only a few more minutes until then, and all their work for that class was done. Lincoln then got a text from his mom that she was outside, ok Lincoln said in his text just as he sent it, and the bell went off. Everyone quickly rushed out the door. Lincoln saw his mom's car and went that way he opened the passenger door and sat down and closed the door. Hey, honey, how was your day? Good Lincoln said that good Luna said as she pulled out of the spot and headed towards the house. How was your day, mom? Lincoln asked if it was ok, just more of the same. I'm trying to get a new job, but I still have no luck. Luna said as they pulled into the driveway and put the car into park Lincoln, then said I could get a job and help out a little. Lincoln said Luna looked to him and said Lincoln you don't have to do that You're only a kid once I want you to have good childhood memories  you can look back on when your older Luna said ok mom Lincoln responded as he hugged her she smiled and hugged him back alright let go inside Luna said as they got out of the car and went inside Lincoln and Luna went up to there room closing the door behind them Lincoln took his shoes and backpack and layed on the bed to relax Luna sat next to him and ran her hand through his white hair Lincoln smiled and sat next to her leaning his head into her shoulder Luna smiled back and wrapped her arm around him I love you mom Lincoln said Luna smiled and said I love you to baby Lincoln's eyes became heavy as he slowly shut them and fell asleep in his mother's arms Luna smiled seeing this and it reminded her of when he was little

flash back 10 years ago

Luna was just waking up when she opened her eyes she saw her son in his crib she went over and picked him up and gentley healed him in her arms and kissed his cheek, making him laugh Luna then walked out of her room with her son in her arms and made herself a cup of coffee once it was done she went to the living room and set her cup down on the coffee table and played with her son for a while and after a while Lincoln began to get upset Luna noticed this right away and picked him up trying to figure out what was wrong soon Luna realized he was just hungry so she brought him up to her chest and began to  breastfeed  him after he was done she burped him Lincoln laughed again and reached for her earing and yanked hard at it OW Luna shouted and scaring her son and causing Lincoln to start crying sure he had pulled at her earing but she didn't mean to scare him Luna pulled Lincoln close to her attempting to comfort her crying baby Lincoln honey calm down sweetie it ok i'm not mad at you baby Luna said but it wasn't working she then saw her son's favorite toy a stuffed rabbit with a lavender short on that her son called bun bun she went over to it with her child still in her arms and picked it up and handed it to him Lincoln stopped crying and hugged the rabbit Lincoln looked to his mother with tears still in his eyes Luna smiled and kissed his forehead many  times and apologizing to him Lincoln began to laugh at all the kisses and Luna sat on the couch and played with her son and after a while the two fell asleep on the couch with Lincoln laying on his mother chest

Present day

Lincoln was still asleep with Luna holding him she smiled and kissed his forehead head and fell asleep herself, holding her son close to her chest like when he was 1

End Of Chapter 3

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