Chapter 6

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It was a normal day at the loud house as everyone was gathered around the couch, watching TV until there was a rough pounding on the front door. I got it, Lincoln, as he got up to answer the door to see a tall man at the door, Can I help you, sir Lincoln asked ya I'm looking for Luna Loud said the man mom there's someone here  how wants  to see you Lincoln said ok honey  Luna said as she got up off the couch and went to the door once she saw how it was said what do you want Josh Luna said I'm supposed you remember me because your where wasted by the time I got my hands on you ok no I hadn't even  finished my second drink when you grabbed me took me back to your place and had your way with me all while I begged for you to stop and let me go now what do you want ok fine I'm here to take my son said Josh ya right dude he doesn't even know you so what I'm his father now come on kid said Josh but instead Lincoln just hid behind his mother come on kid let's go already said Josh as he went to grad Lincoln keep your dirty hands off my son Luna said get the fuck out my of the way Josh said as he slapped Luna knocking her to the ground Josh graded Lincoln and began to bring him to his van mom help Lincoln said as Josh dragged him got closer to his van Luna quickly got up and ran to her son grading him and held him close to her let him go he's coming with me Josh said like hell he is Luna responded unbeknownst to them there next door neighbor Mr Grouse had call the caps and they where making there on there way soon Josh heard the cop sirens coming you called the caps yelled Josh that's right I did they heard they looked to see the Mr Grouse was leaning out his window God dam it yelled Josh as he let go of Lincoln and ran to his van and sped  off with two out of the three going after him while the third cop car got everyone's stamens a few minutes later The other cop cars came back they had lost him but they would find him

the next morning

Luna woke up to see that she was tied to a chair. Luna looked around and saw her son a few feet away from her. Lincoln began to wake up, and, like his mother, he was tied to a chair as well. mom, what's going on, Lincoln asked with fear in his voice, "Don't worry, honey, it'll be ok, Luna said good, your awake said Josh. Oh no, not you again said Luna." All you had to do was hand him over yesterday, but no, you chose not to, now come on, kid, I'm  your dad. I just want to spend time with my kid. Josh said he barely knows you. You have been out of his life for eleven years, Luna said. Would you shut the fuck up said Josh now come on kid Josh said as he placed a hand on Lincoln's chin Lincoln took the opportunity and bit Josh's hand Josh screamed  and yanked his hand from the boy you little fucker Josh said and slapped Lincoln across the face and knocking the chair over Josh then began to kick Lincoln in his stomach Luna got angry and began to struggle but noticed that this man couldn't tie for shit and easily got out of the ropes Luna then grabbed a near by baseball bat and ran over to Josh with the bat in hand Josh turned around and eminently got hit in the face and went down for the count Luna  then went over and untied her son and picked him up off the ground and walked out of the building where the cops had just arrived along with the rest of the family  Luna is he alright Rita asked I think he'll be alright mom Luna responded but then the cops came out with Josh in cuffs  Ms Loud would you like to press charges asked an officer yes I will officer Luna responded

Later that day

Lincoln and Luna were in their room with Lincoln resting his head in his mom's lap while she ran her hand through his hair. How's your stomach feeling, buddy? Luna asked, it Still hurts, Lincoln responded Luna then sat him up and placed him in her lap and kissed his cheek, and held him close to her I love you, mom, "Lincoln said as he hugged her. I love you too, baby Luna responded as she hugged him back. Lincoln yawned as he began to grow tired. Luna smiled as she began to lightly sing to him like she did when he was little. Lincoln soon fell asleep in her arms. Luna smiled as she lay down with him on top of her asleep in her arms, pulling the blanket over both of them she began to grow tired as well and quickly fell asleep with her son still in her arms

The next morning

Lincoln began to wake up and saw that his head was resting on his mother's chest. Lincoln smiled before cuddling close to her, wrapping his arms around her in a big hug. Luna then began to wake up and saw her son on top of her good morning, sweetie Luna. Good morning, mom. Lincoln responded comfortably. Luna asked, very Lincoln responded Luna smiled and kissed his forehead," and then they heard Lincoln's stomach growl you hungry, buddy Luna said very Lincoln said alright let's see what your grandpa has cooking Luna said as they both got out of bed and went to the kitchen to see Lynn SR cooking eggs and bacon oh hey there kids breakfast is almost ready said Lynn SR ok grandpa Lincoln responded as he went into the dining room and took a set at the table where his aunties were with his mother sitting next to him it wasn't long before Lynn brought the eggs and bacon to the table so what are you all gonna do today Rita asked well I was probably gonna take my son to the mall to see what he likes there the mall can I come Leni asked what do you think kiddo  Luna asked sounds good to me Lincoln responded yay Leni said I totes can't wait Luna slightly chuckled at Leni silliness

End of chapter 6

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