Chapter 15

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Lincoln was sitting in the living room wounding, why his mother wasn't home yet it had been a few hours since they talked on the phone the last think she said was she was heading out to her car their was then a knock at the door Lincoln went to answer it to see Girl Jordan on the other side of the door oh hey Jordan what's up Lincoln asked Lincoln don't freak out but I think your mother was taken by someone I saw her get hit with a tranquilizer drat then who ever did it through her into the back of her car and drove away Jordan said what please tell me your joking Lincoln said Jordan looked to him with a apologetic look and said I'm sorry Lincoln but it's true Jordan said Lincoln began to brake down when his grandparents and auntis came to comfort him you guy heard all of it didn't you Jordan said ya we did mostly because the walls are so thin Lori said did you see how did it Lynn JR asked no their face was covered completely Jordan said Rita sighed and said thank you for letting us know Jordan no problem Ms Loud Jordan said as she left

At an old abandoned warehouse outside, Royal Woods

Luna began to wake up her vision was blury at first, but quickly regained her sight. Luna looked around the place and noticed she was tied to a chair and in nothing but her underwear. What the hell, what happened where am I Luna said, "Oh good, you're awake said a masked stranger as they stepped into the light who are you what do you want the stranger smirked and took off her mask Sam why Luna asked you know why Luna now I'm taking what is rightfully mine Sam said as she gropped Luna's brests Luna struggled and thrashed about you won't get away with this Sam Luna said oh but I will once I have your son I will kill him the brake you Sam said as she stood up and was about to leave when Luna shouted stay the fuck away from my son You slut oh Luna and that big mouth of yours don't worry you'll get what's coming to you soon enough Sam then was about to leave when Luna began to beg Sam please leave him alone do anything you want to me just don't hurt him Sam took a piece of tape and placed it over Luna's mouth walks out to get her son

The Loud House

Lincoln is sitting on the couch in the living room with his family trying to comfort the 11 year old don't worry, buddy. I'm sure they'll find her soon, Lynn SR said ya, your mother is a strong woman, she'll be alright said Rita. I'm gonna go out and get some fresh air. Lincoln said as he left the house. Lincoln was walking down the street when a white van showed up, and Lincoln was hit with a tranquilizer dart. Lincoln tried to fight it but couldn't and clasped to the ground Sam, then got out of the van, grabbed Lincoln, and drove back to the warehouse

At the old abandoned warehouse

Sam dragged Lincoln into the same room Luna was in and tied him to another chair. Luna had tears in her eyes, seeing her son unconscious in front of her, and realized his life was going to be cut short. Sam ripped the tape off her mouth and pulled they toy from her vigina gotta have you nice and comfortable for tomorrow, Sam said as she left the room

The next morning

Lincoln woke up like his mother yesterday with blury and saw his mom in front of him. Mama Lincoln said, getting Luna's attention honey. You're awake. Sam then entered the room with nothing but a large strap on, don't resist, or your baby boy gets it understand Sam said Luna just nodded her head yes ready little boy to watch me brake your mommy Sam said as she went to untie when a Loud explosion was heard what the hell Sam said suddenly the door to the room was broken down Sam dropped Luna to the ground and went for a weapon she then grabbed Lincoln and held the gun to his head everyone stand back or the brat gets it Sam said they all stopped where they were Sam smiled and said that wasn't so hard now was it now drop your fucking weapons Lincoln then with out warning bit into Sam's arm Sam screamed in pain Sam struggled to get Lincoln off of her when a gun shot rang through out the room Lincoln's eyes went wide as he look down to see a bullet hole in his torso Lincoln held the wound and fell to the ground Sam smiled and said good you little piece of shit Sam then kicked him in the stomach and was about to finish him off when she was tackled to the ground by a vary angry Lynn JR Luna ran over to her son and held him in her arm's as he held his hand over the wound mama it hurts Lincoln said with tears in his eyes I know baby mama's here I got you I just got off the phone the police and an ambulance are on the way Lori said Luna nodded then focused her attention on her son soon they heard the sound of sirens in the distance getting closer Rita then pulled out a shirt and pants and handed then to Luna here best you get dressed Luna quickly through them on and when she finally had them on the police and paramedics entered the building the police arrested the unconscious Sam while the paramedics brought Lincoln to the ambulance and drove to the hospital

Royal Woods Hospital hours later

Luna was sitting at Lincoln's bedside, holding his hand. Are you ok? "Baby Luna asked. I've been better, Lincoln said Lincoln, buddy is something on your mind, Luna asked after she asked that Lincoln began to break down and cry. Luna hugged him and said everything was going to be ok, baby. I promise mom Lincoln said as he hugged her back. The doctor then entered the room and said, "Your son Ms Loud is OK. You should be able to discharge him. Thanks, boc Luna said the doctor then left the room. I'll be back in a minute. I'm gonna go and discharge you. Luna said as she got up, and then she felt someone grad her hand she looked back at her son and said I'll be back in a minute," Promise Luna said as she kissed his forehead and left the room and a minute later she came back alright buddy let's go Luna said Lincoln smiled and got up and went over to her Luna wrapped an arm around him and they left the hospital

The Loud house

Luna pulled into the driveway, Luna looked into the passenger seat and saw her son was already asleep she smiled and got out and lifted him into her arms and closed the car door then walked up to the house Luna went inside and saw everyone on the couch Luna is he ok Rita asked ya he just fell asleep on the ride back Luna walked upstairs and layed her son into their bed and tucked him in Luna sat on the edge of the bed and ran her hand through his hair Lincoln wrapped his arms around her waist Luna then unwrapped his arms from around her and layed down next to him where he amedently wrapped his arms around her again Luna smiled and wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek Luna smiled and said mama loves you always and fell asleep herself

End of Chapter 15

Loud House Lincoln Luna's son CANCELED Where stories live. Discover now