Chapter 12

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Lincoln walked towards the kitchen when he saw Luan blocking the doorway. Hey, Luan, could you let me past so I could get something to eat? Lincoln askedSorry, Lincoln Lori's in the their, cooling off after a fight with Leni Luan said ok then Lincoln said a little confused as he made his way back to his and his mother's room he saw Lana standing at the bathroom door hey Lana you waiting to get into the bathroom Lincoln asked nope Leni's in their cooling off after a fight with Lori Lincoln just shrugged and entered his room and saw his mother playing her acoustic guitar she noticed her son and said hey kiddo I thought you were gonna get something to eat I was but Lori is using the kitchen to cool down after a fight with Leni oh right that Luna said slightly annoyed what is it mom Lincoln asked my sisters came up with this stupid sister fight protocol Luna said oh that's why their blocking off different rooms of the house Lincoln said yep it best you stay out of it though kiddo Luna said don't worry mom I won't as he went to grad his money were you going sweetie well since they blocked off the kitchen I'm gonna head to the food and fuel Lincoln said ok honey see you later Luna said later mom Lincoln responded as he made his way out of the house and to the food and fuel

One hour later

Lincoln was in his room and watched YouTube on his phone while his mother was with Sam at her house. Suddenly, Luan barged in with a vary, angry looking Lori and kicked him out of his own room, and closed the door Lincoln was going to call his mother when he realized he had left his phone in his room and said Luan could you slide my phone under the door Lincoln asked and after a few seconds of silence his phone was slide under the door the only difference is that the screen had a large crack and wouldn't turn on Lincoln sighed and went outside and sat on the porch and waited for his mother to get home after a while he saw his mother walking towards the house Luna was confused and asked what are you doing out here sweetie they didn't kick you out again did they Luna asked no but they did kick me out of our room for to avoid Lori and Leni running into eachother Lincoln said Luna sighed and said when did this happen Luna asked half an hour ago Lincoln responded what why did you call me Lincoln then showed her his phone they broke your phone to Luna said Lincoln just nodded alright come on kiddo it they are still in our room and kick them out Luna said when Lincoln and Luna made it to their room they saw that it was empty and that all of Lincoln's snacks were gone Lincoln sighed as he sat on his bed Luna went and sat next to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder he smiled and leaned into her side Luna ran her hand through his white hair and kissed him on the cheek after dinner Lincoln and Luna went back up to their room the see the sheet from their bed was missing Luna walked into Lori and Leni's room and took the sheet back to their room so Leni and Lori ended up switching rooms for the night

The next day

Lincoln woke up to see a note on the bed left by his mother he picked it up and read it their was an emergency at work. I should be home around noon, and we can spend the rest of our Sunday together. Lincoln put the note down onto the nightstand and left his room, and saw Lynn and Luan arguing about something. Lincoln walked right by them and down into the kitchen and had his breakfast, then went back to his room

A few hours later

The girls gathered in Lori and Leni's room. The girls' thing has just gotten worse, and the only one person to blame Luna, they all said in union, but what are we gonna do? we don't know where she is, said Luan, or we could hit her where it would really hurt her son. Lola said alright all in favor of Lola's idea say I Lori said I they all responded good where all on the same page now Let's get him. Lola said ya they all said in union Lincoln was in his room relaxing when his auntis entered he looked to them and said, "Hey girls, what's up, Lincoln asked what's up is where here to teach you mom a lesson through you Lynn said what kind of lesson Lincoln asked getting a little nervous the painful kind said Luan Lincoln got a little scared and backed up  against the wall the girls all jumped into Lincoln and began beating him Lynn even went so far to break his arm entell they heard a car pulling into the driveway they looked out of the window to see Luna getting out of her car they all panicked and they had just realized what they had done Lincoln was on the ground in a small puddle of his own blood they saw the note on the nightstand and read it and realized the time was now 12:25 they heard the front door open and close followed by the creeking of the stairs and they all stood infront of Lincoln just as they got infront of him the bedroom door opened to reveal Luna hey girls what are you doing in here Luna asked oh just hanging out with our nefuw said Lynn oh well that's nice hey were is Lincoln anyway he's in the kitchen Lori said what are you hiding what is behind you Luna said it's nothing Luan said Luna moved them out of the way to see her son on the ground with tears running down his face barely able to hold onto his consciousness oh my God Lincoln Luna said as she ran to his side don't worry baby everything is going to be alright Luna said holding back tears mama everything hurts Lincoln said it's gonna be ok baby Luna said Lynn SR and Rita came into the room wondering what all the nose was entell they saw the condition Lincoln was in oh my God what happened to him Rita asked the girls beat him up I'm gonna take him to the hospital Luna picked up her son and carried him to her car then drove off to the hospital mom dad Lynn and Rita turned around to see their daughters standing at the door is Linky gonna be ok asked Lola we don't know now everyone back to your rooms me and your father are heading to the hospital Rita said as her and her husband left sister meeting now Lori said alright might I be first to say who ever came up with that idea it was stupid you came up with the ides Lana reminded her twin we are terrible auntis we put our own nefew in the hospital I just hope he's alright Leni said we all do Leni said Lori

Royal Woods hospital

Luna was sitting at her son's bedside, holding his hand. The doctor had said he only had a broken arm and a few minor injuries, but he would be fine. Lynn SR and Rita came through the door at that moment. Don't worry, honey, it's just us Rita said Luna looked to them then back to her son. Did the doctor say if he could leave, Rita asked ya he said he should be but is checking with his boss just to be safe. Luna said just then, Doctor Miller came back and said my boss gave me the ok, said Doctor Miller, thanks, doctor said Luna as she helped Lincoln to his feet and to go discharge him after Luna discharged her son she walked out with her parents and back to her car they all drove back home Luna in her car with her son and Lynn and Rita in the van

The Loud House

Luna and Lynn SR pulled into the driveway and walked to the front door. Lynn opened the door to see his daughters standing at the door. Lincoln quickly hid behind his mother Rita, then said I thought I told you girls to go to your rooms, but mom, they all tried to complain, but Rita shut them down and said rooms now the girls all went back to their rooms come on sweetie Luna said as she grabbed her son's hand and lead him up to their room Luna Layed down and Lincoln sat next to her Luna wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into her lap I love you baby always Luna said I love you to mama Lincoln responded before hugging her tightly Luna smiled and kissed his cheek  and ran her hand through his white hair Lincoln rested his head onto her shoulder and closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep Luna smiled and layed him down and tucking him into bed and kissing his cheek again then layed down next to him and soon fell asleep aswell

End of Chapter 12

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