Chapter 10

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Lincoln woke up and stretched and saw his mother packing her bag. Mom, why are you packing Luna turned to look at her son? Good morning to you to baby anyway Sam invited me to go camping with her so I'll be gone for a few days Luna said, "Oh ok, Lincoln said well I'd better get going I love you kiddo see you in a few days Luna said love you to mom Lincoln responded Luna smiled as she left the room and went out to her car and drove off

A few hours later

Luna arrived at the camp site  and saw Sam waiting for her. Luna got out graded her things, and the two went into the camp

Back at The Loud House

Lincoln was in his room reading comics when Lynn Jr. barged into the room, hey Lincoln, you're coming to my game right. Lynn asked, "Sorry Lynn, I just wanna relax. Are you sure Lynn asked, holding her back in a threatening way

Hours Later

Lincoln tried to walk up to Lynn, but when he did, she screamed and jumped behind a dumpster, stay away. Your badluck Lynn said, "What are you talking about? Lincoln said, "Your badluck made me lose my game. You are banned from coming to any other game, "Lynn said as she pushed him aside and got into the van

The next day

Lincoln was in the dining room when Leni came to ask him, "Hey Lincoln, are you coming to my charity fashion show Leni asked Lincoln, "Was about to responded when Lynn came in Leni no he'll ruin you fashion show with his badluck like he did with my game Lynn said Lynn that's none since Lincoln said you know what Lincoln never mind Lynn's right I wouldn't want you badluck to ruin the show Leni said as she walked away after that Lynn quickly spread the lie through out the house ending up in Lincoln banned from every event as Lincoln went back to his room he saw it all boarded up with a note about not sleeping in his own room  due to badluck really where am I supposed to sleep Lincoln said he quickly found out when he was kicked out of the house

Back with Luna

It was now the next morning, and Luna and Sam were packing their things alright. Let's get going, Sam said as she and Luna they went back to their car's and drove home

An hour later

Luna pulled up to the house only to see Lincoln outside in his pajamas. Lincoln, what the heck are you doing out here? "Sweetie Luna asked through tears. Lincoln explained that Lynn had threatened him with her baseball bat to go to her game she lost and accused him of being badluck and convinced everyone else then kicked him out oh my baby Luna said giving her son a big hug  Luna picked up her son before walking to the front door and kicking it open scaring the rest of the family care to explain your selves Luna said they all looked at eachother Luna just rolled her eyes before heading upstairs when she got to the top she saw thier room bored up Lana get these planks off our door now Luna said Lana quickly came running removed the planks and went back downstairs Luna opened and went into the room and saw all of her son's things where gone where are all my son's things Luna said thier up in the attic Rita said well for your own good get them down and back into our room Luna said The rest of the Louds worked as quick as they could then went downstairs after everything was put back Luna entered her's and Lincoln's room and layed him down on his bed Luna got in next to him and held him in her arms I love you mom Lincoln said Luna smiled and said I love you to my sweet little boy Luna kissed his forehead and sang to him to help him fall asleep faster Lincoln was soon asleep and Luna held him tightly and said I won't let any one hurt you I promise I love you baby always and forever Luna kissed his forehead one more time before falling asleep herself

End of Chapter 10

Loud House Lincoln Luna's son CANCELED Where stories live. Discover now