Skiing Gone Wrong

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(No One's POV)

Nino's and Y/n's lips were close from touching, only need a brief second for them to meet. But a ghostly sound could be heard in the woods, making the two stop and look in the direction where the sound originated at.

This snaps both of them out of their trance. Nino realized just what they were about to do. Her face turned crimson from the embarrassment.

Nino: Hey! Get off!

She pushes Y/n's face away from hers.

Y/n: Ack!

Nino managed to push Y/n off of her. He hits the ground, rubbing his head in pain.

Y/n: That was totally uncalled for.

Nino: What do you think you're doing?! Trying to put the moves on me!

Y/n: If you have a problem with it, why didn't you say anything before? I would've stopped.

Nino was about to retort but couldn't think of anything to say. The ghostly noise grew louder. Nino let's out a terrified scream and forced Y/n on his feet. She hid right behind him, peaking through his shoulder.

Y/n get ready for whatever was coming out in the forest, but it wasn't what he expected it to be. A figure can be seen walking towards them as the wailing became louder and louder.

Itsuki came out of the forest with tears in her eyes. Nino eyes widened.

Nino: Itsuki!

She runs over to her crying sister.

Nino: Get it together.

Itsuki noticed Nino standing in front of her.

Itsuki: Nino...

She quickly wrapped her arms around Nino's neck, crying even more.

Itsuki: I've been so lonely and scared this whole time!

Nino: You were the one doing the scaring out here! Let's get back to camp.

Itsuki: Uh, okay. Although...

She lets go of Nino.

Itsuki: I'm surprised you were okay by yourself.

Nino: Much as I hate to admit, I was with...

Nino turned to address Y/n, but saw that he was gone.

Itsuki: What's the matter?

She looks around to no avail. He was gone before she knew it. She places both her hands on her chest.

Nino:(Thoughts) Thank you... Y/n.

Up top a tree, Y/n watches Nino and Itsuki walk down the path they ran down. His hand over his lips as he recalls that close moment between him and Nino.

Y/n: Was I really about to kiss her?

He shakes his head vigorously.

Y/n: Forget that for now. Should make sure these two don't get lost.

He follows Nino and Itsuki in the trees, watching over them. Ensuring their safety.

(Timeskip, Y/n's Pov)

I found it hard to even look at Nino. The scene plays in my head over and over. A closing meeting with our lips burned into my memory.

Yotsuba dragged me and Fuutarou along with her to help bring the logs from in a large shed over to the camp. Would be easier for me if anyone else wasn't around. Could carry three in one arm.

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