Chapter 20

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Mason's POV

We came back from our hunting trip three days ago, and I have barely talked to Carter since then.

I'm still very annoyed because of our conversation, and what annoys me even more is the fact that he still doesn't see how badly all those laws affect our pack, and our family.

In my opinion, Oliver should be able to go outside of our pack with few guards to keep him safe, it isn't alright to keep him locked inside the pack for so long.

Even if his mate is in our pack, he's most likely not much older than him, which means that he doesn't have his basic training completed, and that will mean that Oliver will have to wait for a few more years.

And Timmy shouldn't be forced to carrying as many kids as the goddess wishes, if he doesn't want to.

It's very unfair, but I know that it won't be changing anytime soon, since Carter is very stubborn, and he doesn't see the need to change anything.

And Tyler have the same opinion about the laws, so I doubt that the laws will be changed when he will become an Alpha.

"Will you play with me outside?" Scott asks me.

"Sure." I agree, maybe that will help with all this anger.

When we get outside, he tells me to chase him, I do so happily, and as I'm looking at him, I'm amazed at how much he knows our back yard.

He is blind, not partially, he was born completely blind, but it doesn't seem to bother him, at least now when he's running at his full speed, passing everything on his way.

I play with him until he can't run anymore, which isn't long at all, and then we go inside the house, and we take few fruits to snack on, then we laying down on the couch.

"Why are you not talking to papa?" He asks, and I consider if I should just tell him or lie, but I decide that there isn't any reason to lie about it.

"We argued about the laws that the pack members have to follow." I tell him.

"Yeah, they're bad, I don't like them, Ollie is sad a lot of times because of them." He explains.

"Yeah, they're not the best, but there's not much we can do when stupid people, that aren't concerned by them, wants to keep it, and they believe that they're good." I say.

"Papa wants to keep them." He informs.

"Yeah, that means that he's stupid." I say, laughing slightly, and he joins me too.

I put some music on the TV, since he won't be able to watch the movie, and we talk about what he learned in the past month, which turns out to be a lot more than I have expected.

A while later Carter comes down the stairs, and he looks at us for a while.

"Well, at least you two don't argue today." He says sarcastically.

"Papa, you are stupid." Scott informs him.

"We don't say things like that to each others here." Carter responds sternly.

"Sorry, but it's true." He says, before he runs up the stairs, probably looking for someone else to spend his time with.

"Can we talk?" Carter asks me, and I shake my head.

"No." I say, before I stand up, and I decide to go upstairs too, so I pass him at the doorway, making him groan in frustration.

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