Chapter 45

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Mason's POV

Carter took a very long moment to think it over, which we spend cuddling on the couch in silence, before he finally agreed to let Timmy decide where he wants to give birth the next time.

I hugged him happily, and I accidentally woke Timmy up.

"What are you so excited about?" He asks curiously, turning to lay on his back to look at a us.

"I just convinced Carter to let you decide where you want to give birth the next time." I tell him, with a lot of excitement in my voice.

"I really hope there won't be any more kids, but I'm still happy to heard that." He says, smiling at us.

"But you have to promise us that you will tell us that you're giving birth right when it starts." Carter demands, and Timmy agrees with few quick nods.

"Good, but now you have to take care of Hugh, so Mason and I can go find the bastards that have beaten Oliver." He tells Timmy.

"Okay." Timmy says, sitting up, and he takes Hugh from Carter.

"Alright, let's go." Carter says, before he stands up.

I stand up too, and I follow him out of the front door, we go to the pack hospital, and we ask Doctor Zack if anyone came there with any injuries.

He gives us five names, to which I wasn't happy, since I know that there were two more people that now we will have to seek out by ourselves, or even more than two if some of the people on the list weren't injured by me.

I sigh quietly as we walk out of the pack hospital, and we go to Carter's office, the one that is in the pack house, to find out which rooms are theirs.

When we have the room numbers, we go to the one that is closest, and we are greeted by some young girl.

We tell her that she isn't who we are looking for, since we are looking for seven young boys, and we continue to the next room.

This time the door opens someone that might actually be who we are looking for, so we take him to the main room, and we don't even have to ask him if he knows anything, since he looks scared already knowing why we came to his room.

He tells us the names of the other guys, and we let him go, there is no reason for us to keep him close, since Carter doesn't know what he wants to do with them yet.

We go back to our house, to make sure that everything is okay there, and we decide to makes some dinner, which it usually done by Timmy, with a help of one of the kids, but we want to help a little since he isn't feeling well.

After it is done, we know why Timmy is doing the dinners every day, since our version is spaghetti deffinitelly doesn't taste as good as his, but it isn't bad enough to not be edible.

We force everyone to eat it, which they aren't very happy about, and then we decide to watch another move together.

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