chapter 2

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It had been 3 days since enzo came back, and you were teaching him new things from all realms, and they seemed to enjoy it.

"Ok now enzo how do you solve this?"


"Hmmm, you switch the 1 and 7 right?" They ask you, you nod as they write it down.

"Ok now that you have that were gonna multiple it ok" you say to them showing them what your doing


"Now we multiple 3×7 which is?"


"And 4×1?"

"4!" They say, you smile writing it down for them

"Ok now we have 3/4×7/1=21/4 so what does that equal?"

"Hmmmm, can you give me a hint?" They ask you as you smile and nod

"Ok, 21÷4 what's that?"

"5.25?" They ask to make sure they were correct.

"Ok, good now now what would that be if it was full fourth's, like counting human quarters?"

"5 1/4" he says in a cheerful tone.

"Correct! Your doing wonderful and you learn very quickly that's amazing" you say to them as they jump in your arms and hug you tightly.

"Where'd you learn all this stuff from y/n?" They say giggling.

"I did go to the human realm for a while, so I thought why not learn a few stuff they study and do" you say smiling at them, they get off of you and float around spinning in excitement.

"What other things did you learn about the human realm!" They say in excitement. You smile at them softly.

"There are about 7,942,645,086 humans on earth, well in the most recent records" you say smiling at them as you see a spark in their eyes.

"That's more than the boiling ilse, there would be way more people there to play with" this comment worried you as the human realm was not to good about outsiders or people who didn't look human.

"Enzo, you don't want to go there, even though luz and her mom came from there and there's amazing stuff there, the people living on earth aren't always as kind as luz and Camila" you say softly, he frowns at your statement.

"Hey don't worry bud, you get to see them tomorrow ok?" You say to them as their sadness turns into happiness.

"Yay! I can't wait!" They say before running off to the kitchen to ask the butler to make pizza bagels. You chuckle at their shenanigans and grab the notebook you were using to teach them about math and putting it on your bookshelf.

Though you didn't show it, you too were excited to see their friends, you wanted to experience friendship from the human realm and the demon realm which is hard when you don't often get the chance to visit both realms.

The reason you were able to visit the human realm without being bothered to much about your appearance was because you had a human form, it's how you always got around there, as well as you even had human stuff like first aid, even though you and your family didn't need it because you heal quickly, you thought that one day if you meet a human or a witch or demon from the human realm you could help them with that.

As well as you were scared to even bring enzo to the human realm, they didn't learn how to make a human form yet, they were never taught before being stuck on the boiling ilse so you took note that once your little sibling was old enough and mature enough you'd teach them how it works.

You head over to the kitchen and see enzo sitting in a chair kicking their legs up and down as they dangle and moving their head as if listening to music, you smile softly and walk over to them as you watch the butler cook some pizza bagels.

"You havin fun buddy" you ask them patting their head, they look up at you and smiling brightly and nod.

"I don't remember us having a butler, but he makes THE BEST PIZZA BAGELS" they say happily with stars in their eyes.

"I'm glad you like them.." The butler paused for a moment, he had only been working for you for years so he always called you sir since that's what you were comfortable with, but since enzo was non-bianary he didn't know what to refer to them as.

"What's wrong with him?" They ask confused, you chuckle.

"Enzo, he's wondering if you want to be called sir, ma'am or master Enzo" you say smiling at them then looking over and smiling at the butler.

"Oh! You can call me, master Enzo, or just Enzo or collector is fine with me!" They say happily informing the butler. The butler in question goes by the name, nytrix you found that out the first few days of meeting him, and he's gender fluid so he doesn't care if you refer to him as female, male, genderless but he does prefer more of male terms towards himself so that's what you did.

"Ok master Enzo, here your pizza bagels are done just make sure they cool off before eating them, y/n I have your F/F here as well, would you also like to eat?" He asks as he sets down the pizza bagels in front of Enzo and looks over at you.

"Sure, thank you nytrix, you can take a break if you want and get some food for yourself as well as rest" you say as he hands you your food then bows to you and exits the room thanking you.

You look over to the collector who was now eating their pizza bagels happily, you started eating your food and they looked over at you as if wanting to ask something.

"Do you want to try some?" You ask smiling at them, they nod and you hand them some as they eat it and grow a big grin on their face as you could tell they really liked the food.

"Do you like it?" You ask them, they nod in agreement then continue eating their pizza bagels as you smile at them.

"Wow, nytrix really does make the best food!" They say which made you chuckle and hum in agreement.

After you finished your food, you continued to teach them about the human realm and the demon realm as well as the amphibian realm, it was always so adorable to see them get excited when learning knew things.

Soon after it became late, and since you wanted to go early in the morning to take Enzo to meet their friends you decided it was time for bed.

"Come on Enzo, it's time for bed, if you wanna wake up in the morning to see your friends you gotta go to sleep now or you'll be late." You say holding their hand as they nod while walking to their room and floating up to their bed.

"I can't wait to see king again!" They say excitedly which made you smile as you tucked them into bed.

"You're gonna have so much fun buddy." You say ruffling their hair and smiling at them.

"Are you gonna stay with me there during the weekend?" They ask with hope in their voice.

"Of course, that is unless you don't want me to" you say to them chuckling.

"no, no I want you to! Please stay with me when we go there!" They say hugging you tightly.

"Ok, I'll stay with you there, don't worry, anyway it's time for bed buddy" you say smiling at them, they lay back down and close their eyes.

"Goodnight Enzo" you say to them patting their head as they start to fall asleep.

"Goodnight, Y/N" they say back before slowly drifting off into slumber, when you knew they were fully awake you turned off their lamp and floated to the door and left off to your room.

When you got there you floated up to your bed and laid down turning off the lamp in the process and closing your eyes as you drifted off to slumber excited for the next day.

The Collector's Older Brother (The Owl House x male reader) Where stories live. Discover now