chapter 6

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Today you decided to leave enzo with king at the owl house, it didn't bother you to much and they were ok with it as well. You wanted to go and walk around bonesburo (idk if it's spelled like that) you had an interest in what went around especially how the towns people acted and you really wanted to learn something before tomorrow when you had to leave.

You sigh, walking around seeing nothing but boring normal people, well.. Kinda normal. As you walk around looking at everything you felt a tap on your shoulder, you become confused and turn around to see edric, damn how did he know you were here..

"Oh hey edric, you need something?" You ask, he just chuckles and wraps a arm around your shoulder.

"I thought we could hangout since y'know my sister is with her girlfriend and the collector is with king?" He says, you nod in agreement, it didn't sound to bad to hang out, I mean you had lots of fun hanging out with him yesterday anyway.

"Sure, so what do you wanna do?" You ask him, this made him excited and he grabbed you by the arm and took you to his house... Interesting.. When you got there you were a little out of breath from running the whole way there.

You went in his house and he took you to hangout in his room, which you were fine with, surprisingly it was very neat and clean. He gestured for you to sit down with him on his bed.

"So what are we gonna do today?" You ask, he gestures for you to look over to his desk and it seemed to confuse you so you looked and saw a bat.

"I've been practicing beast keeping and I wanted to show you!" He says excitedly which made you smile at how much this made him happy.

"Ok, how do you do beast keeping by the way?" You ask him a genuine question and it seemed to excite him even more because you were interested in it

"Well, we train beasts, and take care of them, we also learn how to capture them and take care of them correctly." He says with a big smile on his face as he whistles a bit to get the bats attention and it flys over to him and lands on his shoulder nuzzling it's face into his cheek.

"That sounds hard, but also really fun. Awwe he's nuzzling you, that's so cute" you say adoring what was happening and quickly taking a picture and saving it to your phone, yes even though you didn't need one, you still had one.

"Yea, he likes to cuddle and loves physical contact, good thing I love it too." He says which makes you smile as you watch him and the bat.

"What's his name?" You ask, him and the bat both look at you and smile.

"Spike, or at least that's what he wanted his name to be." He says, you adore the situation even more because you thought the name was cute.

"He really cares for you doesn't he?" You say petting the bat and rubbing your thumb on its soft fur on its cheek, you hadn't noticed that this was flustering edric, close contact with people you were comfortable with, never bothered you.

"Hehe, yeah.." He says rubbing the back of his neck nervously which confused you until you realized what happened.

"Oh.. Shit sorry Ed, I just act how I normally would act when I'm around someone I'm comfortable with, I'm really sorry if I made you uncomfortable." You say worried that he might fuss at you over it.

"Hey, hey it's ok, you just caught me off guard is all" he says putting a hand on your shoulder and chuckling a bit.

"Are you sure I didn't make you uncomfortable, you don't have to lie for my sake" you say to him still worried that you might have made him uncomfortable and possibly ruined the relationship between you both.

The Collector's Older Brother (The Owl House x male reader) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant