chapter 4

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(Warning, history lesson bitches)

After waking up you look over to see king and enzo already awake, you sit up and watch them as they play until they notice you.

"Y/n! Your awake can we learn more about the human realm?" Enzo asks which Intrigued king.

"Sure, but aren't the others asleep?" You ask them and they nod and move over in front of you on the floor before Enzo snaps their fingers and a board pops up beside you.

"It should be fine if we're not to loud" king says, you shrug your shoulders and Pat them both on the head.

"Why are you asking me for knowledge when there's a human in the house?" You ask them, they both shrug their shoulders.

"Luz needs her beauty sleep" king says before you nod and snap your fingers to fill the board with stuff.

"Ok, what specifically do you want to learn?" You ask them and they both shrug as you sigh.

"Ok, I guess I'll do things that most humans on the population on earth find unnatural. Mkay, who do you think wore corsets when they were first made?" You ask them, and king seems confused a bit.

"The women, that's who still where them now right?" The collector questions.

"Actually it was men who first wore corsets but technically both men and women used them, The corset concept was introduced by Catherine de Medici in France in the 1500s, as well as In 1839, a Frenchman by the name of Jean Werly made a patent for women's corsets made on the loom. This type of corset was popular until 1890: when machine-made corsets gained popularity." You say, though the collector seemed interested king seemed very confused.

"Wow, I didn't know you knew all about their history" they say as king just sits there and listens.

"Wait so what about those high heels that people wear?" They ask, you snap your fingers and the board changes to information on high heels.

"Ok so, The earliest known example of high heels comes from ancient Iran in the 10th century CE. At that time, Iran was known as Persia. And it was the Persian army that had the honor of wearing the first high heels. The Persians were excellent horsemen and the cavalry formed an important part of the Persian army." You say, though king seemed to not listen.

"Actually do you wanna know about the first woman who identified herself as a king?" You ask, and this seemed to peek his interest a lot more.

"Yes!" They both said at once, what you didn't notice was Luz, eda and raine watching your lesson from the Shadow's, and if you did you probably would have cancelled the lesson.

"Ok, this is gonna be a lot of information so I hope your both listening" you say snapping your fingers which changed the pictures and information on the board again.

"Hatshepsut, also spelled Hatchepsut, female king of Egypt (reigned in her own right c. 1473–58 bce) who attained unprecedented power for a woman, adopting the full titles and regalia of a pharaoh." You pause for a moment before continuing.

"Hatshepsut was the daughter of Thutmose I and his principal wife Ahmose. Upon the death of her husband and half-brother Thutmose II, she ruled initially as regent to her stepson Thutmose III, who inherited the throne at the age of two. Several years into her regency, Hatshepsut assumed the position of pharaoh and adopted the full royal titulary, making her a co-ruler alongside Thutmose III." You say pointing at each box of information as you watch both King's and enzo's eyes light up as they listen to the information.

"In order to establish herself in the Egyptian patriarchy, she took on traditionally male roles and was depicted as a male pharaoh, with physically masculine traits and traditionally male garb. Hatshepsut's reign was a period of great prosperity and general peace. One of the most prolific builders in Ancient Egypt, she oversaw large-scale construction projects such as the Karnak Temple Complex, the Red Chapel, the Speos Artemidos and most famously, the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari." You say as you smile at how much they enjoyed learning about it.

"Though, Hatshepsut died 22 years into her reign. Towards the end of the reign of Thutmose III and into the reign of his son Amenhotep II, an attempt was made to remove her from official accounts of Egyptian historiography. Her statues were destroyed, her monuments were defaced, and many of her achievements were ascribed to other pharaohs. Modern Egyptologists have variously attributed her erasure to sibling rivalry, political expediency or her gender." You say though you very much dislike how people in the human realm wanted to erase this from history.

"Wait why would they do that?" King asks as the collector nods agreeing with his comment.

"I don't know, probably because it was men who erased it from history? But also because lots of people don't like women ruling or being know for it, as well as when she referred to herself as king even though she still used she/her pronouns, and dresses like a man, I guess they thought she was trans?" You say to them which seemed to bum them out.

"What's wrong with that?" King asks saddened.

"King, nothings wrong with that. The human realm is a bit more complicated then you think, all though there's wonderful things there as well as some wonderful people, some people don't understand why others would be trans, non-bianary, bisexual, gay. It's just how some people are, but I mean not all humans are like that, just the ones that have a screw loose." You say trying to get him to understand the circumstances.

"Wait but it's normal for that stuff here, isn't it normal there?" He asks.

"Yes it is normal there throughout the animal kingdom, bugs, amphibians, reptiles, fish as well as even plants, but some people don't understand it and think it's unnatural, even though if I'm being honest it's probably the most natural thing." You say trying to cheer him up, that's when you heard someone clapping, you look over to see eda clapping and smiling.

"Where'd you learn all that stuff anyway?" Eda asks as her, raine and Luz enter the room.

"I've been to the human realm before, and because I wanted to know a lot of history about it I dug for information on everything." You say.

"Not even I have heard that information before and I'm from the human realm" Luz states which made you chuckle.

"Like I said, most of the information was disposed of so people wouldn't know, but because I'm like a goblin I can find every bit of information I need." You say to her.

"Anyway, we're going out to get the others, you kids wanna come with?" Eda asks, you look over to king and the collector and they both nod.

"Sure why not" you say standing up and walking over to the collector and helping them and king up as you ruffle enzo's hair.

"Yay!" They say as they spin around in the air, and you chuckle at their antics.

This is part 1 of this chapter I'll make a part 2 of it as well, I just don't know what I want them to do right now so I kinda thought I should do a history lesson in this chapter I hope you all don't mind, I'll be bringing in a lot of math, science and history into this book because I'm very interested in it, I hope you all understand and Don't mind it, and I mean your all getting free lessons so what's there to hate about that? Also comment any suggestions you might wanna see in the book as well and I'll do my best to add it in the story while also making it make sense.

The Collector's Older Brother (The Owl House x male reader) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα