chapter 3

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Today was the day you and the collector went over to the demon realm so they could hangout with their friends, this made Enzo and you super excited and ready for what was to come. You got dress in a sleeveless semi-turtle neck shirt and some sweat pants with a blue and white cloak that had stars and moons on it as you wait for the collector to get ready.

"Enzo you ready to leave?" You ask them before they walk out of their room in their normal outfit stretching and floating beside you before standing on the ground and holding your hand.

"Yes! Let's go!" They say happily as you begin to be dragged by them, you smiled and picked up your pace as you lead them to the portal room, the room that allows you both to enter any realm you wish to go to.

"Ok buddy, now one thing I need to know before we go, did you pack your bags with extra clothes?" You ask them, they nod aggressively before you both walk over the the demon realm door, entering and closing the door behind you as you look around to see the beautiful sight.

You continue walking through the forest until you see the owl house, Enzo then becomes more excited as they jump up and down and float in the air, when you walk to the door you slowly knock then wait for an answer as the door slowly opens.

"Who is it- oh hello collector, and who's this?" Eda asks looking over to you and back at Enzo.

"This is my older brother y/n! They promised to take me to the demon realm every weekend so I can see king!" They say jumping up and floating in the air giggling.

"Aw that's wonderful kid, let me get king for you, KING YOUR FRIENDS HERE!" She yell's in the house as you could hear a confused 'weh' before seeing the little Titan run to the door, as soon as he saw the collector he jumped up and hugged them tightly.

"You kids go play, but don't cause any trouble ok?" You say as they both nod and run off giggling as you smile softly at them.

"I knew they had siblings but I never saw them before, it's nice to meet you kid" eda says holding out her hand as you take it and shake it.

"It's nice to meet you too eda, Enzo has told me a lot about you and king, especially the other's" you say to her as she looks confused.

"Enzo? Is that their real name?" She asks as you nod.

"Yes, though they've went by collector so mortals don't reveal their real name" you say and she hums in response as you both watch the two playing around before seeing raine exit the owl house and join you both.

You watch as they play for a while until you see luz and Camila as well as amity, willow, gus and hunter, they all look at you confused as they walked up to the owl house.

"Who are you?" Luz asks kindly as the others wait for your response.

"I'm y/n, the collectors older brother, I promised to let them come here every weekend so they could hangout with their friends." You say to her.

"Oh, I'm luz" she says putting her hand out for a hand shake and you take the gesture and shake her hand.

"I know, everyone's names, well.. At least the people that Enzo talks about" you say to her with a cheeky smile.

"Enzo?" They all ask in unison.

"Yes?" The collector asks as they float over to everyone holding onto king.

"That's your real name" luz asks which make them nod in response.

"Y/n, come play with us!" They say before you chuckle and agree as they drag you off with them and king.

"Ok, what are we playing" you ask them both, they both look at each other as if they were planning something.

"Big bro, float upside down please!" They say so you did so and looked down at both of them.

"Now what?" You ask which caused them both to giggle as Enzo picks up king.

"Catch!" They said as they tossed king in the air and you caught him by his paws and he started swinging.

"Weeeeee" king said swinging back and forth which made you giggle and how cute it was.

You were to caught up in the moment you didn't notice that everyone was watching you three play like children.. Well they were children, you were a teenager almost 17 actually.

You then float right side up and toss king in the air repeatedly as Enzo floats up with you laughing and king laughs as well, 'god their laughs are contagious' you think to yourself before joining them in the fit of laughter.

"So, y/n are you guys gonna stay here on the boiling ilse for the weekend or are you gonna go back and come back tomorrow?" Eda asks as you set king down to go play with the collector.

"I'll probably find some kind of hotel here if there is one, and hopefully that'll do" you say to her which confused everyone.

"Why don't you just stay here at the owl house, we're all ok with it"  she says which shocked you a bit.

"Are you sure, Enzo can be a bit of a handful when it comes to food and bed time, and I really don't want you guys to not get sleep from hearing them" you say to her, both her and raine nod.

"It's fine, kings a handful as well so we've had the practice" she says which made you smile and Enzo and king come running up to the group.

"So we can stay at the owl house for the weekend?!?" Enzo says excitedly floating around and spinning in circles.

"Yes but you have to behave" you say to them ruffling their hair as they grew a big goofy grin, as both them and king running off excitedly.

You smile softly at them as you watched them enjoy each other's company.

"So, what happened to your other siblings?" Eda asks which didn't bother you to much.

"Oh, our siblings and parents left somewhere a long time ago, now it's just me and Enzo and the butlers at home" you say shrugging.

"Wait, kid were you all by yourself when they were gone, how long did you live alone?" She asks you, this topic made you a bit sad but you brushed the feeling away.

"Our parents and siblings disappeared a year after Enzo came here to play with the other titans that once lived here" you say to her continuing to keep an eye on both king and Enzo.

"So you were alone for centuries?" She asks in a worried tone which bothered you a bit.

"Yea, but I didn't bother me, sure I was lonely but I had the butlers to hangout with, and as soon as Enzo came home everything got better" you say to her hoping she wouldn't push the subject anymore.

"Kid.." She says as if she was gonna say something else before deciding she shouldn't continue.

Soon it had became nightfall and everyone was getting ready for bed, you and Enzo slept on the couch before king joined you both.

"Is there room for one more?" He asks holding a blanket around him, me and Enzo both look at each other then back at him and nod then Pat the empty spot between us.

"Goodnight Enzo, goodnight king" you say leaning your head on the side of the couch closing your eyes.

"Goodnight!" They both said in unison before cuddling up to each other and falling asleep.

The Collector's Older Brother (The Owl House x male reader) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant