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Hey, hey? This building was actually quite high tech.
Y/n almost awed at the structure but being a demon, you see many things and this wasn't very impressive.

She spared a look at most on the structure before merging with the building.
Of course not before sending the villain witnesses into a deep sleep...she couldn't have them go off ranting about her kings new demon pawn now could she?

Hagakure was in a stable condition so she wouldn't give herself away as a blood thirsty creature and Y/n was free to do whatever she pleased, go off on a killing spree and then eat the bodies whole? YES YES YES!!!

Fighting with mere mortals was never interesting unless they were demon slayers.
But they did make delicious meals and made her feel good whenever they mangaged to land a lucky hit...well they only landed hits cause she let them.

As Muzan-sama's now uppermoon she was way stronger than she used to be, she was no longer an ordinary demon, she was the demon kings vessel.

A loud crash and grunt came from the plaza and snapped Y/n out of her laughing as another flesh tendril shot out of the ground and swallowed a villain while, letting out a burp right after.

"Hmm?" Y/n's eyes widened at the sense of dread coming from the plaza, if she looked on hard enough she could make out her soon-to-be-demons figure hiding behind a bush and her teacher fighting what she thought was another demon.

A Cheshire smile graced her lips and she let out a psychotic laugh her face riddled with a blush, rushing towards the plaza in glee, was this finally a creation worth fighting? Would they join her king to rule the world as the superior species? So many questions and only one solution...,

Aizawa gasped as his head was slammed into the ground again, a pool of blood forming from the flesh tearing.

"What do you think of him, Eraser Head? Hm... He's the bioengineered, anti‐Symbol of Peace. But you can call him "Nomu."" The blue haired man with a hand on his face spoke, his voice practically bragging about the demon like creature.

The nomu shrieked and lifted its hands to smash the teachers head into the ground for the umpteenth time.

"Say goodbye!" The man-child cackled

The Nomu lifted its hand and just as if everything happened in slow motion, no one could do anything to help, the bioengineered creature was punched away by a pale arm.

Aizawa gasped for air and looked up to the female who was standing above him, his own student...

"Ahaha! Tell me nomu-san...are you a demon?" She called out after the creature which just regenerated its limbs that had blown off.

The nomu shrieked in response and ran at her with full speed as if it were a blur.
Yet Y/n jumped above the creature, her nails sharpening.

"Muzan-sama, what do you think that is?" She thought, asking her king instead.

"Egh - kill it. It's stench disgusts me" Muzan's voice was laced with disgust which surprised the upper moon.

"Of course Muzan-sama" she blushed and dodged another blow before she jumped back into the fight, throwing her hand out as the mouth on it opened wide, ready to speak.

The nomus dreams were bland and consisted of a human being tortured into turning into a nomu. she could laugh, how pathetic...this was the demon copy she had though would be strong?

The nomu snapped out of the blood demon art as it was killed by Y/n ripping its heart out, her real body was still ' vulnerable'.

Kicking, the demon down into the ground, she stood above it tauntingly.
'P-Please, h-help me'
A faint voice sounded in her head.
It obviously came from the creature under her.

She should have felt bad, but she couldn't.
Her smile widened even more.

"Oh you pitiful thing" she snarled and stomped on the nomu again as a sickening crack sounded.

How long had it been since she had this much fun? Heros were really missing out.

A laugh tore from her throat and her blush darkened when the creature dismembered itself and punched a hole through her stomach.

The flesh forcefully parted and a chunk of her stomach fell to the floor, the nomu took its chance and brutally ripped out her guts.

Aizawa went green and stared up at the female in horror,
"Y/n! NO!"

But his concern didn't lessen when she turned to face him with her stomach all healed.

Her eyes were red.

"Disgusting- filth- foul- you dare lay a hand on me." A male voice spoke for her, Y/n seemed almost possessed in the eyes of the other humans... all but Toru who watched in awe, her legs shaking at being in the presence of the real demon king.

"Die" she threw her hand to the side, slapping the nomu and the body of the creature instantly flew to the side and flattened, the blood draining out like water from a sponge and splashing onto the floor.

A sick grin greeted the females face once again and she licked the blood off of her hand.
"Hm not bad...marechi" Y/n's eyes returned back to normal as she acted like nothing happened.

The humans only saw a little anyways.

'Muzan-sama was so smart, he put them all under her blood demon art before he ridiculed and killed the demon wanna be.' She thought, almost squealing like a schoolgirl in love... but don't be fooled, what was love?

Actually, everyone but the villains were put under the demon art.
Y/n smirked at the stunned warp gate man and the handy man who had seen it all.

Undoing her blood demon art, all might crushed through the doors and the rest was history and irrelevant in the long life of a uppermoon like her.

Plus, Muzan hated being told irrelevant things as they had nothing to do with anything that would help his world domination or the blue spider lily... you really thought he had given up on the flower?


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