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The cold air assaulted the inside of Evelyn's nostrils, making her regret not taking a scarf with her. Arnold had gone off to her dorm room to nap as he was exhausted. The entire time, they had not spoken a word to each other.

"You're a psychic," Evelyn said, finally breaking the silence. "How many visions have you had."

Wednesday didn't say anything for a minute, almost like she was debating with herself. "I've been having visions, yes. Where I've been thrown violently into the past or future when I come in contact with a person or object. Usually, it's when those people are dangerous to me or to others."

Evelyn stopped in her tracks, causing Wednesday to follow suit and just stare at her as she held out her hand.

"What are you doing?" Wednesday stared at Evelyn's outstretched hand.

"Proving that I'm not a threat," Evelyn replied, a sincere look on her face.

Wednesday paused before slowly reaching out and grasping Evelyn's hand. They stared at each other for a few awkward moments as nothing happened. Wednesday cleared her throat, "Well, I...suppose I should be grateful for your transparency."

Evelyn felt herself go red as she took back her hand and looked away. What was going on with her? Child of love and here she was blushing like a schoolgirl. "The library is just that gay—way! The library is that way."

Evelyn wanted to slap herself at the look of mild bemusement on Wednesday's face. She gulped and quickly walked toward the library, opening the door without a second thought.

"Oh gosh—" Her eyes widened at the sight of two vampires fanging, who looked back at her with equal expressions of horror. She quickly turned around and dragged Wednesday away from the door, ignoring her confused protests.

"What was in there?" She asked, staring at Evelyn's steadily reddening face.

"Two vampires were, um, fanging."

Wednesday rolled her eyes and knocked briskly twice on the door. "Get your tongues out of each other's throats and get out," she ordered impatiently. There was a brief scuffling on the other side of the door before both parties made it out, red-faced and adjusting their shades.

Evelyn rubbed the bridge of her nose, inhaling sharply as she followed Wednesday into the room. "Wednesday, I have to ask, why am I here?"

Wednesday turned sharply, "Elaborate."

"I wasn't in your vision so I have no idea what to look for. I'm just...dragged along by you almost every day," Evelyn said, alluding to how she had a life and things to do, too.

"Being around you doesn't feel like a chore," Wednesday said after a long pause. Thing pretended to continue looking for books.

"Does this mean that we're friends?"

Wednesday's face looked somewhat conflicted but then she gave the barest nod. "It's good to build alliances in a situation like this. I'm looking for a purple book with the insignia of a flower on it."

Thing pulled one out, questioning if it was the right book.

"Keep looking. The cover was darker, like a day-old contusion." Thing gave a thumbs up response and continued searching.

Suddenly, a voice came from above as Miss Thornhill began walking down the stairs. Thing quickly concealed himself as Wednesday and Evelyn just stood there.

"It's not often that students come in here looking for books. Most just come in to make out. Unless that's what's going on?" Miss Thornhill asked, raising her eyebrow toward Evelyn in particular who flushed, remembering her expression when she'd accidentally walked in on her and Lilian mid-lip-lock.

"I accidentally glimpsed two vampires fanging. I can't unsee that," Wednesday said, recovering for both of them.

"'Twas certainly a sight to behold. The poor things looked like they didn't even know what was going on," Evelyn added, ignoring the sidelong look Wednesday gave her.

Miss Thornhill chuckled, "Is there anything I can help you girls find?"

Wednesday walked toward her quickly, opening a piece of paper with a symbol on it. "This is a watermark from the book I'm looking for."

"That's the symbol from an old students' society, um," Miss Thornhill paused as she thought. "The Nightshades, I believe."

"Like the deadly flower. Colour me intrigued," Wednesday said as Evelyn pretended to busy herself with searching for a book she knew wasn't there.

"I was told they disbanded years ago."

"Any idea why?"

Miss Thornhill shrugged, "Sorry."

Wednesday went to put the piece of paper away.

"I was very impressed with your answers in class today," Miss Thornhill complimented, going to make small talk with Wednesday.

"My mother is a carnivorous plant aficionado. I assume I get my red thumb from her."

Miss Thornhill came closer to Wednesday, "Are you and your mother close?"

"Like two inmates sentenced to life on the same cell block," Wednesday said, her gaze on her bag. Evelyn's hand froze on the spine of another purple book.

"I know it can't be easy moving here mid-semester," Miss Thornhill said sympathetically, sitting down at a desk. "I've been here a year and I still feel like an outsider."

"Because you're the only Normie on the staff?" Wednesday deducted. "Enid told me."

"To be honest, I've never really fit in anywhere. To odd for the normies, not odd enough for the outcasts," she sighed. "I thought Nevermore would be different but there's still a handful of teachers that barely acknowledge me."

"I act as if I don't care if people dislike me," Wednesday looked over at where Evelyn was hidden behind the shelf of books. "But secretly, I enjoy it."

Miss Thornhill smiled, "Never lose that, Wednesday."

"Lose what?"

"The ability to not let others define you," Miss Thornhill exhaled. "It's a gift."

Wednesday looked down, "doesn't always feel that way."

"The most interesting plants grow in the shade." Miss Thornhill went to head back to her conservatory. "And if you ever need someone to talk to, the door to the conservatory is always open. You, too, Evelyn."

Evelyn stepped out of hiding when Miss Thornhill had disappeared. Wednesday turned to her, "I need to get into Xavier's room. I'm almost certain the book is in there."

"I'd like to keep my criminal record as clean as possible," Evelyn said, shrugging sheepishly as Wednesday's eyebrows shot up in response.

"Your criminal record has four counts of assault," Wednesday deadpanned. One corner of Evelyn's lips turned up in an unintentionally endearing way.

"I'll do a lot of things but breaking the trust of someone I care about...not for me. I'd advise you against it, too but I doubt you'll listen." Evelyn took Wednesday's blank face as her answer. "But I also won't say that Xavier takes nighttime runs that last for about 45 minutes and I also certainly can't say that he takes a shower immediately after. I also shouldn't be telling you that Rowan stashed a spare key behind a painting beside their dorm."

Wednesday's eyes shone with bemusement and her lips tilted just the barest bit upward, a face that made Evelyn's heart flutter wildly. "I heard nothing."

Unlovable | Wednesday AddamsWhere stories live. Discover now