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While Evelyn found herself watching Wednesday prepare herself to play an upbeat tune, while looking like Death itself was threatening her, something whispered in her ear. A soft, murmuring voice, imploring her to go into the forest. Evelyn cast a quick look around her before she slipped away, hiding in an alleyway before she drew out a gem. She clutched it between her middle and index finger, feeling a sudden rush of power as she whispered an incantation. Recently, she had been messing around with teleportation magic, a series of experiments that were proving to have very promising results. She drew a small circle on the floor and exhaled sharply. A small fire burst onto the line of the circle while the floor turned into that of the forest, signifying that it was ready. Evelyn inhaled deeply, before stepping into the ring and appearing in the forest.

She blinked a couple of times as she tried to stop her head from spinning. She groaned as her knees wobbled and her stomach clenched.

"Well, you look like a right mess," a bright, warm, unfamiliar voice commented. Evelyn forced herself upright immediately, a shield already put up. "Oh, come on now. If I wanted to kill you, you'd still be in the forest."

"Stay the hell back," Evelyn snarled, still seeing double of everything. The last couple of teleportations hadn't gone sideways like this – just her luck.

The figure continued walking towards her and as its hand came in contact with the shield, it shattered in an instant. The figure was distinctly female, clear from the curves and swells of her body, barely clothed as lush brown hair fell to her waist. "Now come on, is that any way to speak to your mother?"

Evelyn's breath froze in her throat as she swallowed harshly, her vision finally coming back together. The woman before her was breathtaking. Even with the taunting smirk on her face. Her eyes matched Evelyn's to the shade, their face shapes were identical, as were their eye shapes and hair. "Stop fucking with me."

Aphrodite frowned, "When did your mouth get so foul?"

Evelyn clenched her fists together. Where she should have been feeling overwhelming happiness – her dream had come true – all she could feel was burning rage. She trembled as she glared at her. She couldn't help the bitter tone in her voice, "Why now. What did I do to finally get your attention?"

Aphrodite reached forward, her fingers tucking themselves gently under Evelyn's chin and forcing their gazes together. "You, my dear, and that little girlfriend of yours, are going to save all of the outcasts.

"She's not...She's not my girlfriend," Evelyn muttered, feeling her face light up.

"But you knew exactly who I was talking about, no?"

Something was forced into her hand. "I know how this goes. This is the part where you tell me I'm going to do this mission and then gain immortality or something-"

Aphrodite laughed, a sound that felt like music that resonated in Evelyn's bones. "Don't be ridiculous. You're nowhere near powerful enough to join us up on Olympus. You're just a cheap copy of me. No, you're going to put my name on the map. The fates have something special for you."

Evelyn blinked up at the ethereal woman before her, nodding slightly. "I see."

"Don't worry, Evelyn. You're destined for greater things after this. I'm...sorry for being so absent in your life up until now."

"You...you are?" Evelyn asked, her voice barely above a whisper from shock.

"Of course. What's in your hand is a safeguard from me. It amplifies your magic just by you holding it." Aphrodite's hands cupped Evelyn's face gently. "Things will be hard. Be strong. I believe that you are going to do great things."

Not even a moment later, she was gone. Evelyn looked at the object pressed into her hand. It was a Karambit. Near identical to the one Evelyn had been working on. Indeed, she already felt stronger than that morning. Holding it tightly in her right hand, she repeated the spell and teleported into her room without a single issue. She looked in wonder at the little knife, hiding it just in time for Principal Weems to open the door, fury in her eyes.

"Dolce. My office. Right now."

'Sup, guys. I lowkey feel pretty bad about not updating but...yk. 


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