Chapter 19

302 13 0

291 AC.

Kings Landing

Jon Arryn.

Jon sat looking at the accounts and frowned, in not even two years they'd already managed to borrow almost four hundred thousand gold dragons from the Tyrell's, at some point something would have to give. He knew that despite their alleged willingness to be good subjects of the crown, the Tyrell's truly only had one goal in mind in lending that money.

They wished their golden rose on the throne, Jon had no problem with that as it would alleviate a lot of potential problems, not only was the Reach wealthy and strong but it also provided most of the food they consumed in Kings Landing. Tying the Tyrell's to the crown would ensure Robert's dynasty for years. With the Vale, Stormlands, Riverlands, Westerlands, North and then the Reach all tied in to each other through marriage, it would leave Dorne as an outlier.

The problem though, was Robert wouldn't go for it, no matter how much Jon prodded and cajoled, Robert would not marry a Tyrell into his family. Not only did both he and Stannis not forgive them for besieging their home, but Robert had his heart set on a Stark bride for Joffrey. No matter how much Jon tried to explain the benefits it seemed Robert was still living in the past and Jon felt the specter of Lyanna Stark's ghost hanging over them always.

"My lord, Lord Baelish is here to see you."

"Good, send him in."

Petyr had been a godsend ever since he'd brought him from the Vale, not only had he helped with the financial state of the crown, but did so to such an extent that Jon had tried to have Robert appoint him Master of Coin, which for now at least had been put on hold, so instead he had begun working on expanding the income from trade just like he had in Gulltown.

His arrival had also improved Lysa's mood so greatly that she and Jon had been getting on much better together, so much better that they had even began trying for a child yet again. A few days ago he had been overjoyed to learn that Lysa was with child and unlike her other pregnancies Jon actually felt hopeful for this one.

"My Lord Hand." Petyr said as he entered the room.

"Ah Petyr, it's good to see you, come sit, some wine?"

"No my Lord, thank you all the same." Petyr said as he sat down.

"I wanted to discuss the finances again Petyr, we needs must reign in our spending or try to raise more coin somehow."

"Indeed my Lord, but how?" Petyr said before looking at him thoughtfully.

"Actually come to think of it my lord there are a couple of things we could do, we could increase the shipping taxes for docking and access to the trade in Kings Landing, that would raise some coin and we could also stretch out the loan repayments to the Iron Bank. It would of course mean more interest overall, but it would give us more funds for now." Petyr added.

Jon sat there and wondered if this was a good idea, the Iron Bank would squeeze them and the Tyrell's would offer better terms, if only the Lannister's hadn't shut their support off he though as he sighed. They really had little choice though, the more they relied on the Tyrell's the bigger the problem they would have if Robert didn't come around.

"Could you handle it Petyr, make a visit to the Iron Bank as our representative?"

"Of course my Lord, I'd be delighted to."

"Thanks so much Petyr, I won't forget this, I'll keep the king informed of your good work, we'll get you on the small council yet my boy." Jon said smiling fondly at the young man.

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